CDA Press Hits Sheriff Norris for Attending Rap Concert with Black Headliner — Less than 12 Hours After Norris Calls Out Lying Media

The Media Will Not Stop

The CDA Press published an article following a town hall wherein Kootenai County Sheriff, Bob Norris, spoke on numerous issues facing North Idaho. Norris made a point to call out the media for mischaracterizing his attendance of a rap concert with a black headliner.

Liberal activists attempted to disrupt the Kootenai County Sheriff town hall, leading to at least one individual being removed by officers for disrupting the event.

The media have continued to publish numerous articles against Sheriff Norris for attending the Bryson Grey rap concert which was attended by many GOP politicians, calling it a “white nationalist” event.

Speaking at the event, Sheriff Norris drew loud applause after taking shots at President Brandon’s attempts to criminalize the Second Amendment.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


Liberal Activists Ejected from Idaho Sheriff Town Hall After LGBT “Call to Action” — Residents Chant “OUT OUT OUT” as Liberals Dragged Away


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