CDA Press “Lost” Two Letters To The Editor From Mother Of Young Girl Who Had Her Privacy Violated In Coeur d’Alene School District

The Idaho Tribune received two Letters to the Editor that were sent from the mother of the young lady who bravely stepped up to warn the community of the harmful bathroom “guidelines” that have been implemented in Coeur d’Alene Schools.

The young girl Julie, and her mother Monika, broke their silence just days before the Coeur d’Alene school levy, and they released an interview with the KC Spectator telling their story - a story that the CDA Press strategically ignored until after the Levy vote.

Now, Monika has shared with Idaho Tribune her letters to the editor of the Coeur d’Alene Press that have yet to appear in print.

Her first letter was sent on March 8th:

Wednesday, March 8, 2023 6:48:34 PM

As the Levy approaches & people vote for the CDA schools bldgs, do you know what is going on in the interior? If you thought there is female and male bathrooms, think again. They are anything but. Unisex would be more accurate.

My CHS biological female student learned this recently as she came out of the stall to wash her hands and see a biological boy, dressed as a boy, walk out of the stall next to her and out of the bathroom. Long story short, these facts were confirmed with the SD. A biological boy - dressed as a boy but identifies as a transgender, a female.

My daughter no longer feels safe in her public school. She feels as she has been victimized. CHS staff solution was that she could use the nurses bathroom which is further away from classes causing possibly tardiness.

Six hours a day kids sit in these building but our daughters are not protected. They are not valued as they are subjected to this kind of violation of privacy and absence of safety. Stand up for what is RIGHT. Vote with your wallet.


— Monika Klennert

You can clearly understand why the Press chose not to run that letter.

Monika’s second letter was sent on March 18th in response to an article by Devin Weeks. It reads:

Sat, Mar 18, 2023, 3:20 PM

I am writing in response to the article Transgender Bathroom Bill Advances in Boise March 16 by Senior Editor, Devin Weeks as well as their sister station, KREM 2. If you need to get the facts, I would encourage you to view the recorded interview and recorded school board meeting 3-17. Those can both be found on the KC Spectator news website.

CDA Press LIE #1:

You stated the following:

“..shared testimony of a transgender student using the girls bathroom at Coeur d’Alene High School while the daughter was in the bathroom.”

FACT: My daughter said she was afraid because a MALE DRESSED AS A MALE was in the female bathroom. She neither knows him or recognized him. She did not know if he went to the school. Let me reiterate. IT WAS A MALE DRESSED AS A MALE.

We did not know the male was a transgender until the SD called 2 days later informing us the male is a transgender.

CDA Press LIE #2:

You stated that staff ONLY offered her to use another bathroom and that “It’s not convenient because it’s farther away from her classes, so it would cause her to be tardy.” CDA Press insinuates that my daughter was upset about the logistical inconvenience.

FACT: my daughter was further upset & scared because office staff she spoke to seemed to NOT be concerned about an unfamiliar MALE DRESSED AS A MALE in the female bathroom. But instead offered an alternative bathroom for my daughter, as if she had done something wrong.

CDA Press did get one thing correct in her reporting. She stated “Hocker, who became superintendent in 2021, said he and his administration were unaware of the guidelines until recently.”

Well, isn’t it the superintendent’s job to know the policies especially on such a hot topic in our country???

The SD brought this on themselves. Rather than be proactive they are now being reactive to the recent event. All students deserve to feel safe and have privacy so why is it taking so long for them to get a solution on this issue?

— Monika Klennert

We believe that good journalism speaks Truth to Power, and gives the “little guy” a voice. Our paper of record should be representative of its’ citizens, not antagonistic towards them. The people in Coeur d’Alene School District know whats really happening in their schools - they don’t need the Paper to tell them.

This whole situation has highlighted the CDA Press's long history of discrimination against conservative and Christian viewpoints while simultaneously providing support and protection for radical left-wing elements in our community.

If you have written a letter to the editor that your local paper has chosen not to publish, SEND IT TO US. We will give YOU a voice! If you want to help us continue our project of bringing REAL news back to Idaho, please consider becoming a SUBSCRIBER!


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