CELEBRATE PRIDE! Meet The First LGBTQ+ President Of Hagadone Media — From Publisher To President: Clint Schroeder Is The Man “Behind” The CDA Press
From a Small Town in Wyoming, to Hawaii, to North Idaho, Schroeder brings an agenda with him.
(Coeur d’Alene, Idaho) — Whether it’s denigrating and attacking local conservatives, stoking conflict at our local college, turning a blind eye to Left-Wing Extremism, or promoting “Gay Pride” in North Idaho, you may have found yourself wondering why the Coeur d’Alene Press is so incredibly out-of-step with the Conservative, Christian community here in North Idaho. Today, we may have some answers for you.
Meet Clinton Schroeder - President of Hagadone Media Group
Clinton “Clint” Schroeder was born into a Conservative, Christian family in Evanston, Wyoming, a small rural town on the border of Utah. He “came out” to his mother in 1994 around the time he graduated high school. He didn’t tell his father until some time after, choosing to keep his “true self” hidden for the time being."
Schroeder went on to study Political Science/Mass Communications Laramie, Wyoming when he got his first taste of the national spotlight.
Matthew Shepard, a fellow student at the University of Wyoming was brutally murdered in 1998 after being tied to a fence and beaten to death by Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson.
Shepherd, an active homosexual, was then held up by the local and national media, who played the incident as a “hate crime” motivated by McKinney and Henderson’s supposed “anti-gay beliefs.”
In reality it had nothing to do with sex. According to award winning journalist, and best selling author Stephen Jimenez, it was due to the fact that Shepard had recently received a $10,000 dollar shipment of methamphetamine, a drug that was sweeping across the predominantly white, rural areas of the midwest.
According to Jiminez’s book The Book of Matt: Hidden Truths About the Murder of Matthew Shepard, the young, gay University of Wyoming student was addicted to and dealing crystal meth and had dabbled in heroin. He also took significant sexual risks and was being pimped alongside Aaron McKinney, one of his killers, with whom he’d had occasional sexual encounters. He was HIV positive at the time of his death.
In an interview with The Guardian Magazine Jiminez said “This does not make the perfect poster boy for the gay-rights movement.”
Then again, that didn’t stop the media from turning George Floyd into a “saint.” In hindsight, this seems to be standard operating procedure for the media.
Facts be damned. According to the Coloradan, Clint Schroeder worked with “anti-extremism” lecturer Graham Baxendale and immediately began spinning the narrative that eventually led to the institution of the first federal hate crime laws in America.
Schroeder wound up in the spotlight, after photographs of him and Baxendale wound up hitting the media nationwide. Clint said his mother was “furious.” His image appeared in a 1998 article in People Magazine.
Schroeder, after graduating went to Loveland Colorado where he worked for Lehman Communications, Inc. doing newspaper advertising sales. He left in 2002, and just 9 years later Lehmen Communications folded, selling to a Denver-based mega-corporation that controls over 60 newspapers in the area.
He then went on to Crystal Lake, Illinois where we went to work for the “NorthWest News Group.”
The “NorthWest News Group” doesn’t actually seem to exist, instead, a 2017 Hawaii Business Magazine article lists "Shaw Newspapers of Chicago” which publishes the tabloid the Daily Herald as Schroeder’s former employer.
According to his LinkedIn, in 2006 Clint simultaneously went back to school, earning his masters degree in Leadership & Organizational Development from the New York Institute of Technology, and moved to Hawaii, where he worked at The Honolulu Advertiser.
While his LinkedIn and a glowing review in the CDA Press in 2018 touts Schroeder’s “Executive MBA,” his 2017 profile in Hawaii Business Magazine lists his “Masters Degree” as a certificate, which is vastly different from a traditional masters. According to Pearson publishing, one of the world’s largest educational book publishing companies, “Graduate certificates usually take less time and cost less money than degree programs, and you can typically complete them entirely online and at your own pace.”
The newspaper that he was then working for until 2010, The Honolulu Advertiser which was owned by the Gannett corporation, ran into financial trouble after senior executives in the company gave themselves astronomical raises, like newspaper division president Bob Dickey who in 2010 was paid $3.4 million, “up from $1.9 million the year prior. In the memo announcing the 700 nationwide layoffs, Dickey wrote, ‘While we have sought many ways to reduce costs, I regret to tell you that we will not be able to avoid layoffs.’“
The Honolulu Advertiser no longer exists after being sold to HA Management in June of 2010. The paper has since rebranded as The Honolulu Star Advertiser.
Does anyone else here seem to notice a pattern emerging here?
It was then, in 2010, that Clint Schroeder joined forces with North Idaho’s one and only Billionaire Media & Resort Mogul Duane Hagadone (R.I.P.).
Schroeder took over operations of the Hagadone Corporations Hawaii in 2010.
Nine years later, Hagadone Printing, the island’s largest print shop closed its doors. The reason? Schroeder blamed Donald Trump’s tariffs against China.
Just days after the shuttering of the Hawaii operation, Schroeder was promoted to Publisher of the Hagadone News Network.
As residents of North Idaho Know, the Hagadone News Network owns every newspaper in North Idaho including the CDA Press, Post Falls Press, Shoshone News-Press, Bonner County Daily Bee, Sandpoint Reader, Bonners Ferry Herald, and the North Idaho Business Journal.
However, many don’t realize that they also own almost every paper in Western Montana including the Daily Inter Lake, Hungry Horse News, Whitefish Pilot, Lake County Leader, Bigfork Eagle, The Western News, Clark Fork Valley Press, and the Mineral Independent.
In Washington State, Hagadone Media owns the Columbia Basin Herald and the Basin Business Journal Farm News.
Dare We Call It A Monopoly?
The Hagadone Media Corporation owns almost every paper from Whitefish to the Tri-Cities, with some notable exceptions in Spokane, but the effect this has on the region cannot be understated. One man, Clint Schroeder, has full control over what these 16 newspapers choose to print, or not print, and his bias is showing.
In an interview with Mike Grabenstein, the President of the Executive Committee at Trinity Lutheran Church in Coeur d’Alene, Schroeder was asked “you've got a very important job in this community.[…] How do you see your, your position and what is, are you managing editor?” Schroeder answered saying “I oversee the operations. So I'm the regional publisher.”
Grabenstein followed up asking “how do you see that impacting the, the community in which you've chosen to live?” Schroeder’s answer was very telling:
“So, that's an interesting question, because there's a way I'd like to answer it in a way, I probably should answer it. Um, my own politics, and which, you know, as it says, I'm, I'm moderate. […] As I oversee all of these newsrooms, […] I have to really watch my, my own balance, because sometimes, you know, when it hits close to home, your reaction is to push back some.”
And push back he has. Whether it’s the promotion of LGBTQIA+ causes in the area, or attacking the conservative trustees at NIC, or denigrating local christians and Republican party members, Schroeder holds the keys to the kingdom. He could snap his fingers and make it all come to an end, but that’s not going to happen.
“It’s Not Something I Lead With”
Elsewhere in Schroeder’s interview with Grabenstein, he gets called out for his lack of transparency about his lifestyle.
“It's something I still don't lead with. So when you say the, you know, the transparency of the bio, it's typically not something that I am overly comfortable sitting down and talking about.
Instead of being committed to transparency, and honesty, Schroeder goes out of his way to hide the fact that he lives a lifestyle that the vast majority of people in North Idaho find abhorrent.
And the issue of transparency isn’t just a problem for his "love life,” it’s also a problem with the Hagadone News Network.
After announcing that the CDA Press would permanently discontinue the Monday Edition of the Newspaper, Clint was actually promoted, from Publisher, to President of the entire Hagadone Media Network.
His promotion was not mentioned in the CDA Press (at least online). Instead, the announcement was made in one of the Hagadone Corporation’s other outlets the Daily Interlake.
It seems as though they wanted to keep his promotion quiet back home.
If the past can tell us anything about the future, I think we all know whats next for the CDA Press…
Conflicts Of Interest
Schroeder’s lack of transparency has a tremendous impact on our community, and it’s not just about his lifestyle.
According to 2021 voter rolls obtained via Public Request, Clint Schroeder was a registered Democrat. That changed on February 15, 2022 when he switched affiliations and became a proud “Republican” in an effort to blend in to the community.
According to LinkedIn Schroeder is also:
President — Newspaper Association of Idaho
Board of Directors — Human Rights Education Institute
Board of Directors — Cd’A Area Economic Development Corporation
Treasurer & Board of Directors — Cd’A Chamber of Commerce
Senior Member of the Rotary Club & Regional Trainer for Rotary Governors
All of these organizations have their own motives and agendas, and wield POWER in this community. And they wield that power against the wishes of the people of Kootenai County, and for powerful business interests. Klaus Schwab would call these powerful business interests “stakeholders.”
Deadly Vaccines In India
In 2015 Schroeder toured the globe with Rotary, travelling to Rajasthan, India, where he administered a Polio Vaccine to children in the village of Nuh. The Project was partially underwritten with a $30 million grant from the Gates Foundation.
That vaccine caused horrible problems in India, and its use was subsequently banned. The owner of the company that manufactured the vaccine was arrested by Indian authorities, after tainted vaccines infected the children they were trying to inoculate, leaving them paralyzed.
As of 2022, Gates was still funding Rotary’s “polio eradication effort,” having given the group nearly $2 Billion since 1985.
While Schroeder Plays Moderate, His Husband Shares Anti-Conservative Vitriol, Urging Vaccines
Schroeder’s “husband” Jason Kama is anything but a moderate. He works for the Better Business Bureau, and was also listed as staff at the Coeur d’Alene Press until around 2020 when his columns abruptly stopped.
Kama would write on behalf of the Better Business Bureau, penning editorials about vaccines, facemasks, and scams. What he would post on Facebook, however is quite different.
In short, Clint Schroeder and his “husband” Jason are imposing their values and beliefs on ALL THE PEOPLE not only of North Idaho, but the entire region through the Hagadone Corporation’s near-monopoly on news and information in the region.
This isn’t what independent journalism looks like. This is activism.