Chuck Winder’s Sweetheart Socialist Deal With The University of Phoenix
Idaho’s 78 year old President Pro Tempore of the Idaho Senate, Chuck Winder, has been serving in the Idaho State Senate for 15 Years. In the last several years he’s held one of the highest positions in Idaho Politics. With time, more and more decisions have come to light showing how he’s slowly drifted away from being a representative of the people to become yet another Yes Man in the legislature.
In 2023, University of Idaho President C. Scott Green tried unsuccessfully to purchase the University of Phoenix for a price tag of $685,000,000. There was just One Problem with this investment deal: C. Scott Green didn’t quite have the money to make the purchase! ($550 million for the purchase and $135 million in finance charges.)
When a public university buys a private university, we are growing government and traveling down a slippery slope of creating Big Government married to the private sector. Italian dictator Mussolini had a work for that relationship.
“Big Government,” is not what Idaho needs, but Senate Pro Tempore Chuck Winder disagrees. I’m not exactly talking about Winder being in favor of a California-style Regulatory State. I’m talking about Winder drafting legislation for the “Big Guys” of Wall Street who are never satisfied in their lust for power growing their empires.
It’s all there in black and white, printed in the form of Chuck Winder's Senate Bill 1450.
Senate Bill 1450, deemed as a bill lending a taxpayer hand to taxpayer funded University of Idaho in the middle of a financial scandal, is anything but a Free Market solution. S1450 was an attempt by Pro Tempore Chuck Winder to rescue a corporate campaign donor from a buyout deal that failed to pass the Senate Floor on a 14 to 19 vote in the final days of the 2024 Legislative Session.
According to the words of Chuck Winder himself when presenting this bailout scheme on the Senate Floor, S1450 would have established a brand new Corporate Body Politic (created through a proposal called the “43 Education Act”), overseen by 2 Legislators appointed by Winder and House Speaker Mike Moyle, to bailout University of Idaho President C. Scott Green attempted purchase the University of Phoenix.
C. Scott Green has been the President of the University of Idaho since 2019. He is everything that is resembling of a World Economic Forum advocate, playing a crucial role in the Wall Street Industry of Big Banks for most of his life. Mr. Scott graduated from Harvard Business School in 1989. His service at the for Wall Street Banks includes time in the NYC Executive Office of Goldman Sachs, which is one of the most powerful Instrument of Globalist Cabal Larry Fink and his ongoing agenda to buy everything in sight.
In a strongly worded September 11, 2023 letter, three United States Senators, Durbin (Illinois), Warren (Massachusetts) and Blumenthal (Connecticut) advised U of I President Scott Green to abandon the University of Phoenix deal. They wrote,
"Given (University of) Phoenix’s long record of poor student outcomes, deception of veterans, and entanglements in federal investigations and enforcement actions, we urge you to reconsider the implications of acquiring Phoenix, which could cause great harm to students and taxpayers not only in Idaho but also across the country."
The letter also warned Green of potential large financial liabilities for the University of Idaho given a “long history of deceptive business practices on the part of the University of Phoenix."
President Green also paid his former employer, Hogan Lovells, a Washington D.C. based law firm with 48 offices, $7.3 million in consulting fees for advise on the University of Phoenix purchase. In total, $10 million was spent on consulting fees by the University of Idaho on the Phoenix deal.
However, $10 million of high priced lawyers missed one basic point, the University of Phoenix purchase was unconstitutional. So said Givens Pursley, a Boise law firm.
And the Legislature's own in house counsel, Ms. Elisabeth Bowen, held the same opinion. Ms. Bowen wrote in a February 22, 2024 letter addressed to seven legislators,
"The Board has no constitutional or statutory authority to acquire, own, and operate a private institution or to assume its liabilities, either directly or indirectly through a corporation."
None of this mattered to Pro Tempore Chuck Winder, he got the Senate State Affairs Committee, a committee he controls, to send SB 1450 to the Senate floor. It appears if the Boise swamp needs something done in the legislature, Winder is the go-to swamp facilitator.
Idaho Attorney General Raul Labrador subpoenaed Green on alleged violations of Idaho Record and Transparency Laws with little to no public input on the purchase deal. The Idaho Supreme Court sided with Raul in rejecting the Idaho State Board of Education’s request to fast pace Green’s trial. (What was the trial?????) This puts Green in a serious predicament to meet his crucial May 31 Deadline for his University of Phoenix purchase deal.
With everything quickly heading to south for the University of Phoenix purchase, University of Idaho President, C. Scott Green decided to turn to the Idaho State Legislature for an easier solution.
Which is how we end up at S1450. A Socialist Sweetheart Deal printed by Chuck Winder to save a career Wall Street Investor's bad business deal. To do this, Winder is willing to increase Government and make YOU pay for another man’s deal that you didn’t agree to fund.
It’s one thing to print a bill to grow government at the expense of the tax payer. But it takes a special kind of shenanigan to demand a seat at the table in your own bill by having an appointment of your choice, especially when the University President, who Chuck Winder tried to bail out, is one of Winder's largest campaign donors:
One should hardly need to have a Crystal Ball to know that C. Scott Green wouldn’t be getting this special treatment from Chuck Winder if the roles were reversed and Green was a Solid Conservative tossing money at a bad investment by means of a tax funded institution.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s recent impeachment case, that included financial fraud allegations, weren’t remotely within the financial scope of what Green has been trying to do with the University of Phoenix Investment. This is the kind of thing that should permanently knock Chuck Winder out of the Senate Floor and remove C. Scott Green as University of Idaho President at the VERY least. Winder has seldom voted against big spending ideas, so it’s no wonder why Winder serves a former Wall Street actor over his own constituents in District 20.
If you’re an Idahoan who “wants to be left alone”, or if you hate the State of Idaho handing Bailouts to Big Cronies from Wall Street, Chuck Winder is NOT the guy who you should want Representing you, especially not as Pro Tempore of the Idaho Senate. If Winder loses the primary election, maybe Winder's replacement will seek a refund of the entire $10 million in consulting fees because the entire deal was unconstitutional?