Coeur d’Alene’s Public Art STINKS — Tens of Thousands in Tax Dollars WASTED on BAD ART

This is not opinion. This is fact.

Weeks ago, the good people of Coeur d’Alene took a vocal stand against the satanic Arts Commission after it was discovered they green-lit a giant communist fist to be erected somewhere downtown. Though, after hundreds of residents spoke out against the piece, City Hall rejected the Arts Commissions proposal, while pushing through the remaining pieces of “uncontroversial” art.

While the art pieces littered across Coeur d’Alene might not be explicit displays of communist propaganda, they are all ugly, infantilizing, and confusing in themselves — a physical marking of territory by an equally ugly, childish, and confused group of people who are trying to change our beautiful home.

Feast your eyes on this absolute unit.

This asiatic and obese depiction of the greek goddess known as “Gaia” is comfortably nestled along the riverfront.

The walking path along the river — frequented by swimmers, families, and dog walkers — is beautifully enriched by this bloated behemoth.

Standing a good 8 feet tall, Gaia reminds Coeur d’Alene that all bodies are beautiful, and, in return, so is all art.

Gaia can be yours for only $40,000

Now, let’s see how the Romans depicted Gaia:

It really is too bad we don’t have art even half as good as that.

Unfortunately for Coeur d’Alene, the knowledge and techniques used by the Romans to create such beauty was lost to the ages, like the pyramids of Egypt.

Luckily for us, though, standards of beauty have disappeared as well, allowing for new kinds of beauty to flourish.

You can take a look for yourself: Coeur d’Alene’s public art is horrendous, and it costs tax payers tens of thousands of dollars. You are paying to be visually assaulted on a daily basis by strange, senseless clumps of metal that just don’t make any sense.

Ah yes, the unmatched beauty of rusty scrap metal fixed into large geometric shapes. The Romans would have severed a thousand marble heads to acquire such visually arousing progress. They would have thrown out their outdated stonework in exchange for phallic rusty obelisks.

The reason “modern art” looks so horrendous is simple: Making good art takes talent, talent takes lots of time to cultivate, and modern artists spend more time applying meaning to their horrendous modern art than they do creating it.

For instance: It took Francesco Queirolo over 7 years to finish The Release from Deception.

Today, the average marriage lasts about 8 years.

Furthermore, the greatest artists in human history were inspired by the divinity of Christ. Today, modern artists are inspired by their cats, weed, and fentanyl dealers.

Conclusion: Modern artists produce bad art simply because they’re incapable of producing good art. Somewhere along the way, they told themselves it was impossible to ever produce anything on par with that of Caravaggio, or Da Vinci — and that they should just try and really hone in on their ‘metal blob’ schtick.

They then apply meaning to their repulsive garbage that they call art, and stick their nose up to anyone who has trouble understanding it. They call themselves cultured, with snide, and drink cider beer as they lament “common folk.”

A big part of the reason liberals are so unhappy, is because they’re lying to themselves, pretending that what they’re doing is beautiful, is intelligent, and cultured — when it is the exact opposite of those things.

Liberal lifestyles are inherently unnatural, and cause agitation among those who live them. Naturally, they want to mark up the place as a reminder that they exist — like how a cat pees on the couch — so that you never forget they’re there, and so that you suffer along with them.

Misery loves company.

Coeur d’Alene is a beautiful place, it deserves to be represented accordingly.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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