Democrat Running for Idaho Governor, Shelby Rognstad, Missing from Filing Report After Previously Registering as Republican

Idaho’s Democrats have done it again!

Shelby Rognstad, the self-proclaimed Democrat and mayor of Sandpoint, has apparently failed to make it onto the list of individuals officially running for governor in Idaho after having been previously registered as a Republican. Although his name may soon appear, there could be issues if he did not change affiliation soon enough.

As previously reported, Idaho democrats have made it tradition to switch political affiliation to Republican in order to vote in Idahos closed primaries, effectively subverting the democratic process, ensuring ineffective Republicans win office.

Candidates had until 5:00 PM on Friday to file for office, presumably relegating Shelby Rognstad to the ‘write in’ section of the ballot.

Democrats in Kootenai County and across Idaho are known to switch party affiliation in order to partake in local, closed Republican primary elections.

As was seen in the last mayoral election in Coeur d’Alene, where local Democrats openly endorsed the now mayor, Jim Hammond, against the preferred conservative candidate, Idaho’s Democrats switch political parties more often than a drunk driver switch lanes.

The excited mayoral hopeful immediately took to Twitter to post a selfie after having filed to run for governor as a Democrat. One might imagine, Shelby’s excitement quickly turning to confusion, and then worry, after learning his name was not present among the other candidates who appear to have successfully filed for office.

Generally, Democrats should stop registering as Republicans in order to participate in closed Republican primaries. Democrats should stay in their own lane, per se, and stop trying to game the system, as it appears the resulting confusion may be too much even for them to keep up with.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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