Democrats and RINOs Ram Brad Liberal’s Idaho Launch Program Thru House — RINO Rep. Ted Hill Makes An Idiot Of Himself In Public Testimony

Idaho’s Democrats, marching in lock-step with RINO Republicans and lobbyists from the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry have rammed Brad Little’s “Idaho Launch Program” through the house in a 36-34 vote.

The program, which will give $8,500 to students who graduate high school, has been railed against by Conservative legislators who have called the program a form of Corporate Welfare.

Representative Elaine Price explained what the bill would actually do over the weekend at the Legislative Town Hall held at Candlelight Church.

Rep. Josh Tanner eloquently argued against the bill during debate, saying that it is antithetical to free-market ideals.

The bill which was given to the legislature by Governor Brad little, drew support from every single Democrat in the House.

Far-Left Liberal Legislator, Lauren Necochea, noted that if just one of their representatives hadn’t voted for the bill, it would not have passed.

When you see things like this happening in the Legislature, the first question you should always ask yourself is “Why are Democrats supporting “Republican” legislation?”

The answer is usually simple: Money.

Democrats and RINO Republicans alike support higher taxes, socialism for the rich, and out of control government spending.

These kinds of people have no moral compass, and they will vote for anything they are paid by lobbyists to vote for.

Like these lobbyists from IACI, who cheered as the bill squeaked through:

This brings us to the unhinged and frankly bizarre testimony from freshman RINO Representative Ted Hill.

Remember, this bill is supposedly about incentivizing high school graduation by giving students money to spend on higher education, so, what exactly does this have to do with Chinese Balloons and microchips?

Do you have a moment to talk about my personal Lord and Savior, MICRON?

The bill was backed by Micron Technologies, a billion dollar mega-corporation, and also one of the largest employers in Idaho. They are also one of the largest proponents of the Alphabet Soup Ideology here in Idaho, sponsoring events like Boise Pride which was set to feature children dressed in drag, performing for adults on 9/11.

Ted Hill, who worked as a lobbyist before being elected to the Idaho Legislature, was also recently involved in an attack on Dorothy Moon, the Conservative Chairwoman in charge of the Idaho GOP.

In a leaked text message, the RINO chairman of the Ada County Republican Party can be seen commanding a precinct committeeman to not attend the most recent meeting of the Central Committee. Instead, miller tells the PC that Rep. Hill will be brought in as a proxy vote to the meeting, in an effort to whip up the votes needed to withhold funds from the State GOP.

While Democrats and Liberal Republicans are busy spending your hard earned tax dollars in Boise on programs that will benefit their corporate donors, RINO’s are attacking GOP Chairwoman Dorothy Moon for being too Conservative.

Idaho has a RINO problem.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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Video: Candlelight Church Hosts Legislative Town Hall With Hundreds In Attendance — Local Reps Speak About Issues, Legislation