Elon Musk Bans Ye (Kanye West) from Twitter Over Posting “Raëlism” Religious Symbol — Same Religious Group in 2022 Awarded Elon Musk “Honorary Guide” Title After Pushing Raëlism Core Principles

It is getting Rael

Elon Musk banned Ye (Kanye West) from Twitter over posting a UFO religious symbol. Interestingly enough, Elon Musk has not only espoused his personal believe in core foundational tenets of Raëlism, but he is actively pursuing the implementation of its belief system, and was awarded with the “Honorary Guide” title from the groups leader in 2022.

In an interview with prnewswire, Thomas Kaenzig, the Raelian Guide and leader of the U.S. Raelian Movement, said "Musk, who recently called himself a free speech absolutist, will, through his purchase of Twitter, hopefully bring about a renewed era of social media,"

Raëlism social media accounts have been restricted several times over the past few years for posting their religious symbol.

"After years of increased content moderation by all the major platforms, which are in the hands of very few companies, the fundamental human right of free speech had been more and more stifled," Kaenzig explained. "Hopefully, Musk's acquisition of Twitter means the tide is turning."


Raëlism teaches that about 25,000 years ago the Elohim arrived at the Earth and transformed it so that life could develop, a belief that Elon Musk has espoused numerous times on his personal Twitter page. “No, I'm not an alien...but I used to be one” says Elon. Elon Musk in 2001 takes it a step further, saying “I’m an alien.”

The UFO religion’s founder, Rael, argued that there would be biological robots in the future, as technological advances will use technology to enhance human ability, something Elon Musk is currently embarking on with his “Nuralink” brain implant.

The official website for Raelianism has posted numerous times about Elon Musk, including many posts praising his Nuralink technology which is set for FDA approval later this month.

It does seem as though, however, Musk is going back on his promise to liberate humanity from the clutches of the censorship regime, as shown with the recent erroneous suspension of Ye’s Twitter account.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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