FRAUD: Group Changes Facebook to Fake Republican “Parody” Page Day After NIC Election — Saboteurs Fooled Republicans Into Electing Democrat-Supported Candidates in North Idaho

Email if you Feel you were Fooled into Voting for the Following Candidates

Many Republicans in North Idaho were fooled into voting for candidates who were supported by the local Democrat Party, far-left extremists, and the controversial “North Idaho Republican” group which partners with liberal provocateurs.

Tens of thousands of dollars were spent creating deceptive propaganda that was designed to look as though the local Republican Central Committee had sent them out, when they were in fact endorsing the liberal candidates.

The two candidates elected with the help of these deceptive tactics, Zimmerman and Corkill, were endorsed by the local Democrat Party, as well as far-left extremists.

Not only was the election corrupt with fraudulent fliers designed to appear as though they were designed recommended by the local Republican Central Committee, but fraudulent Facebook pages were also made to confuse voters who were hoping to learn more about the candidates.

(an archived version of this page can be found here)

Supporters of the page are taking to the comment section to threaten physical violence against local Republicans. David Dennison says he will “throat punch” Republicans who are attempting to “save Idaho.”

David Dennison has also taken to Facebook harassing local law enforcement, calling local residents “inbred pieces of shit.”

Voters are already being fooled by the continued deceptive tactics, asking the fraudulent page if thy are the “KCRCC.”

The logo used on the fraudulent page is designed to look like the KCRCC (local Republican Central Committee) logo.

Many voters in North Idaho have begun to express confusion over the recent North Idaho College election, with some saying they had voted for the wrong candidates due to deceptive marketing material.

If you feel you were fooled into supporting the wrong candidate in the recent North Idaho College election, please end us an email at

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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