Idaho Bill H0675 to Criminalize Trans-Genital Mutilation Surgery Making it a Felony Punishable With Life in Prison — Democrats Call for ‘Death of Legislatures’

The H0675 Bill Will Pass, You Wont!

Idaho OK’s bill that would effectively abolish so-called “transgender surgery” by making it a felony, punishable with up to life in prison, for knowingly committing the act upon a child.

The bill, which has made it’s way though Idaho’s government is set for a vote, after which the state of Idaho would effectively have the strictest rules regarding the transgender surgeries, forcing radical leftists to seek elsewhere for their predatory practices.

Leftists online have not taken the news lightly, calling the bill “genocide” and “tyranny.”

Some Democrats have taken it a step further, calling for the death of legislatures who are set to pass the bill.

Even Planned Parenthood is getting involved in the argument.

Cruel and unusual people have preyed on Idaho’s children for years, convincing them to undergo irreparable surgeries, severing their genitals from their bodies, and injecting synthetic hormones in an attempt to physically appear to be the opposite gender.

Idaho will not allow this child abuse to go on any further.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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