Idaho Election Guide — November 2023: Find Out Who Conservatives Are Voting For In Tomorrow’s Elections Across The State

Don’t Be Fooled By Fake Voter Guides!

(Boise, Idaho) — Have you ever been upset because you voted for someone you thought was a conservative and after the election you found out that they’re really just a liberal pretending to be a Republican?

Well you’re not alone. This is exactly how most Republicans feel across America, and we’ve got good news for you.

Local Republican Central Committees all across the state have begun following Kootenai County’s lead, by implementing Rating and Vetting systems to ensure that Republicans get true conservatives who believe in the Party Platform elected to office.

While many organizations and Political Action Committees make recommendations for office, the rating and vetting process which has been described in detail by Kootenai GOP Chairman Brent Regan, is the only one that tells you who, how, and why they are recommending their candidates for office.

Unfortunately, Liberals are trying to confuse voters with fake sample ballots, designed to trick them into unwittingly voting for Progressives.

Do not be fooled! Make sure the sample ballot you use at the polls tomorrow matches the official Republican Recommendations listed below.

Bonner County Republican Recommendations


Ada County

The Ada County Republican Party just underwent a regime change, after Victor Miller and gang of establishment hacks abandoned the party en-masse, looted the treasury, and set up a rival PAC in an effort to de-rail pro-Trump conservatives.

We are hopeful that Ada county will have official party recommendations in future elections, now that they are governed by a solid conservative Executive Committee.

Until then, here is the list of candidates recommended by Conservatives Of Ada County.


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