Idaho Legislators Threaten To Abort All Funding To The City of Boise — “No Funds For Abortion” Act Introduced In The House
An amazing new bill introduced in the Idaho House of Representatives threatens to cut all funding to the extremely liberal City of Boise. This comes after Boise’s extremely left-wing, rogue Mayor and City Council issued a declaration last July making Boise, the Capitol of Idaho, a Sanctuary City for Abortion.
The new bill, titled the “No Funds For Abortion” act, was introduced by Pocatello Representative Bruce Skaug (LD-12A).
Thank you Rep. Skaug!
The legislation would prevent any mayor, council, or “any other governing body of a city or county governmental entity” from knowingly using any public funds for “any purpose proscribed by law,” which thanks to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, now includes abortion.
According to the proposed legislation:
“No person, agency, organization, or any other party that receives funds authorized by the state, a county, a city, a public health district, a public school district, or any local political subdivision or agency thereof may use those funds to perform or promote abortion, provide counseling in favor of abortion, make referral for abortion, or provide facilities for abortion or for training to provide or perform abortion.”
If “any governing body of a city or county governmental entity” is found to have violated this act, they will “not be eligible to recieve sales and use tax revenue distributions” until the violating “ordinance, resolution, executive order, proclamation, or similar official directive has been repealed or rescinded.”
There may also be penalties to the members of a governing body found to be breaking this proposed new law, meaning that Boise’s Antifa-adjacent, Pride-Marching, Rogue Mayor, Lauren McLean might be on the hook if found guilty of “misuse of public funds.”
The Idaho Freedom Caucus released a statement praising Representative Skaug for his “efforts to end the killing of children by abortion and to hold rogue city councils, mayors, and other government entities accountable to the law.”
We have reproduced the Freedom Caucus’ statement in it’s entirety below:
“If liberal Boise Mayor McLean continues to declare Boise a sanctuary city for abortion violence, Boise is at risk of having sales and use tax revenues withheld. With the passage of HB2 "No Funds for Abortion Act," any local government entity that defies state law and refuses to investigate or enforce Idaho criminal abortion statutes will face such penalties.
The Freedom Caucus will never sanction lawlessness at any level and expects all state and local government entities to respect and enforce the law. Rogue mayors who choose which laws to prosecute and in-turn favor their preferred constituencies undermine our rule of law.
All governmental entities, including Boise's far-left city council and Mayor, are expected to enforce state laws restricting abortion.
We applaud Rep. Skaug and his efforts to end the killing of children by abortion and to hold rogue city councils, mayors, and other government entities accountable to the law.”
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