Idaho Press Promote The Satanic Temple Leading up to May 5 Boise Capitol Visit — Who Could Have Predicted This?

As we previously predicted, local journalists in Idaho are promoting the Satanic Temple in the days leading up to their controversial Boise Capitol ‘Day of Prayer’ where satanists will come to the Capitol to perform what they call “unbaptisms.”

The Satanic Temple, whose core beliefs directly align with modern day liberal dogma, was given a softball review in the IdahoPress, wherein the reporter, Tracy Bringhurst, listed the 7 core principles of the satanic group, while discussing the historical significance of the event.

In a previous article written by Trace, she seems to have been praised by the group, after which she sends the satanists a “happy face” on Twitter.

The author, Tracy Bringhurst, is known for her liberally progressive pieces, some of which highlighted the occupation of the Boise capitol by a group of teenagers pretending to be homeless.

Similarly, the author is known for promoting the fake holiday “Juneteenth” — during the deadly Black Lives Matter rioting in 2020.

Tracy is also being followed by multiple satanists on her personal Twitter account, one of which is a featured guest at the May 5th event in Boise.

Read our previous piece on the Satanic Temple below, where we predicted this exact type of reporting over one month ago.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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