Idaho School Board Meeting Shut Down After Sen. Chris Trakel Speaks Out Against Proposed Transgender Curriculum and Policies
The Groomers Are At It Again
The January 9th Caldwell School Board Meeting ended in fireworks on Monday evening, after over 900 citizens showed up to express their dismay at the direction their schools are taking.
Photo courtesy of Amy Pope Henry
Concerned parents and a sitting Idaho Senator spoke out against proposed “pro-trans” policies and curriculum that are under active consideration by the School District.
Photo courtesy of Idaho Dispatch
According to the Idaho Dispatch, these new policies were proposed at a November 28th “work session” of the school board.
The controversial policies include:
Allowing students to use “restrooms and locker rooms that correspond to the gender identity they consistently express at school.”
Directing teachers to address students with their “name and pronouns consistently expressed by the student at school, regardless of the student’s legal name and sex.”
Preventing teachers from revealing “a student’s transgender status or sexual orientation to other individuals, regardless of setting,” including parents.
Stipulating that “when contacting the parent/guardian of a transgender student, school personnel should use the student’s legal name and the pronoun corresponding to the student’s gender assigned at birth.”
These policies, which obviously have no place in Idaho schools drew the ire of concerned parents and legislators who came to the meeting to speak out against these policies, in an effort to protect their children from the groomer agenda.
Most notably, State Senator Chris Trakel took the mic to criticize these abhorrent policies. The trustees, uninterested in protecting children, instead shut off the Senators microphone and immediately adjourned the meeting.
Unlike the crazed Democrats up North in Coeur d’Alene, the Conservatives in Canyon County did not pull fire alarms, doxx trustees or threaten the safety of those in attendance.
Instead, conservatives calmly attempted to address the board, but the pleas of these concerned parents fell on deaf ears.
Caldwell School Board Trustee Travis Manning, who is up for re-election this November, took to Twitter to accuse Senator Trakel of infringing on the Board’s “legal right to run their own mtgs or set policy.”
Unfortunately for Trustee Manning, we have video of what really happened at that board meeting, and we can see through this limp-wristed attempt at “spinning” the situation.
Travis Manning,
Vice Chair
One parent, Keli Carender, noted on Twitter that because the meeting was prematurely shut down by the liberal trustees, “We never got to see any other students speak aside from a sweet sixth grade girl who said it would be unfair and uncomfortable to be forced to change in front of boys, because the tyrant adjourned the meeting.”
We agree with Keli.
Students should not be sexualized, or exposed to these disgusting policies being pushed by the trustees at the behest of groomers, and these policies may very well be against Idaho law.
The next meeting of the Caldwell School District Board of Trustees is scheduled for February 13th.
In the meantime, we encourage concerned parents and tax paying citizens opposed to these policeies to make your voices heard by writing to the Board of Trustees by clicking here for their contact information.
The Idaho Tribune would like to remind parents that 3 out of 5 of the Trustees’ seats are up for election this November(Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4) so if you would like to definitively put an end to these abhorrent policies, we encourage you to consider running for office.