Idaho Senator Jim Risch Meets With Ukrainian President — Pledges More Aid While Claiming “Ukraine can Win this War”

“I’m here without the blessing of the State Department”

Idaho senator Jim Risch took a surprise visit to the Ukraine to discuss further aid to the region. This comes as Idahoans at home continue to feel the effects of sanctions against Russia which have resulted in rising prices and inflation in the U.S.

“Ukraine can win this war, but only if we help get it what it needs, before it needs it. I was taken aback by the atrocities I saw firsthand in Irpin and Hostomel, and we cannot stand by and watch these happen again. I will continue to do everything in my power to ensure the Biden Administration uses the authorities Congress has given to provide President Zelenskyy and Ukrainian defense forces exactly what they need to end this conflict. Ukraine must win this fight.” - Jim Risch

Ukraine can not win the war against Russia. That is just simply a lie. However, the United States can continue to spend billions of dollars on military equipment for Ukraines Neo-nazi military. The United States can also continue to impose sanctions on Russia, which have done nothing but hurt Americans at home.

Jim Bush Risch has been on an international war tour, most recently advocating for closer cooperation with ‘Somaliland’ — a breakaway region in the north of Somalia poised to devolved into civil war.

Senator Risch does not want the war in Ukraine to end. In his own words, he says “we can’t have this end… this is something that’s good to go one for a long time.”

“This will never be over”

Jim Risch is one of the wealthiest Senators in the United States of America. And while numbers fluctuate, all records indicate the Senator has over 40 million in the bank.

We are not alleging his riches have come from all of his foreign war mongering throughout the world, we are simply pointing out that the Senator is worth many millions of dollars, and he isn’t affected by rising grocery costs, or gas prices, the same way most Idahoans are.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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