Idaho Young Republicans Refer to Abortion as “Medical Care” in Press Release? — Calls for “Big Tent” Republican Party as Democrats Celebrate

The Empire Strikes Back

In a press release issued by the Idaho Young Republicans (IYR), it has been announced that leadership have ousted multiple members citing the “values” of the organization, following left-wing media attacks. The contentious Idaho Young Republican chairman, Daniel Silver, won his position as head of the organization by a difference of only 9 votes.

The long-winded press release has been assumed to refer to abortion as “medical care” after claiming Republicans are a “big tent” party.

Abortion dominated the conversation surrounding the Idaho GOP Convention last week, with far-left journalists and Democrats decrying the decision by Republicans to leave almost no exception for the brutal practice .

“It is why more people from different backgrounds are registering with us than ever before.” claims the Idaho Young Republicans, as mass cross-over voting has seen thousands of Democrats continue to switch parties, infiltrating Republican leadership positions, subverting closed primary elections.

The statement goes on to say that “resolutions approved at the state convention have been met with many mixed emotions” by members of the Idaho Young Republicans, citing “decisions on medical care are sensitive topics,” presumably referring to pro-life resolution voted in by the party.

Immediately following the press release, far-left journalists began commenting, with some claiming the statement from the Young Republican organizations showed “standards.”

The entire comment section under the press release is filled with far-left liberals celebrating the statements from the Idaho Young republicans,.

Johnston Meadows

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New Moon Rising


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