Liberal Coeur d’Alene Group “Friends of NIC” Confuses Voters by Copying Official Republican Fliers — Insulting North Idaho Voters’ Intelligence

Liberals are attempting to fool North Idaho Conservative voters

The liberal group in North Idaho known as “Friends of NIC” have begun publishing election material designed to mimic the appearance of the official Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) in Kootenai County.

Many believe the group, if successful in electing their candidates for North Idaho College, will help turn Coeur d’Alene into a liberal city, using the college to push progressive culture issues to the forefront of North Idaho politics.

The KCRCC — the official Republican Central Committee in Kootenai County — has published their recommended voter guide for dozens of elections, maintaining a constant format and color school to develop a familiarity with the public, so they recognize what they are looking at.

The official Republican Central Committee Recommended Sample Ballot Below:

Elections can get dirty, especially when you add liberals to the mix. But copying the color, font, and format of the official Republican Central Committee fliers is a slap in the face to North Idaho voters.

The below candidates are those officially recommended by the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee. You can read more about them by visiting the KCRCC website.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


Left-Wing Activist, Karen Lauritzen, Named Idaho “Teacher of the Year” — Promotes Gay Pride, Black Lives Matter, Transgenderism


Trans-Racial Hoaxer & Former North Idaho College Employee, Rachel Dolezal’s Nude Photos Released Online