Man Who Identifies As Female Invaded The Woman’s Bathroom In Coeur d’Alene School District —Controversy Erupts After Administration Does Nothing To Help

Coeur d’Alene School District is embroiled in controversy YET AGAIN, this time following a report from the KC Spectator that a male, dressed as a male, who “self-identifies” as a woman, was using a female bathroom.

In a video interview included in the report, Julie said “I came out of the bathroom and I was washing my hands and directly behind me from the stall that was exactly right next to mine, a figure comes out and I looked up and I was caught off guard.” According to Julie, the “person was a straight up male.”

“I was just so freaked out,” Julie said.

She immediately called her parents and went to the administration office. According to Julie’s testimony:

“I told her what had happened and I said, "Is there any way I can report this? What's the policy on this?" She said, "Unfortunately that's out of her jurisdiction and that it's federal."

The school offered to give Julie a pass that allowed her to access a private bathroom, but said they couldn’t do anything about preventing the male from being in the female’s restroom.

“She said it was out of her jurisdiction and it was just federal. She didn't even say a law. She just said federal. She also never once researched the kid trying to look him up or anything.”

Julie’s mother Monika was outraged at the response from the School District. After attempting to reach out to Cd’A Superintendent Shon Hocker unsuccessfully, she finally got a hold of Trent Derrick. According to the video, she talked to Derrick saying,

"Well that doesn't even seem logical. You understand, I don't know if you're a parent or if you have a daughter, but you must see a problem with this?" Again, he just kept referencing the Title IX. What I find so amazing is today I finally looked up Title IX and I was reading Title IX, it's a very simple title. It's a few lines. It's easy to read and it's based on sex. It's specifically says it. I find it ironic that this is the conversation that the transgender community is arguing that they want to be identified based on their gender, not necessarily their sex. So then why are we using Title IX to protect them? Title IX does not talk about gender. In the paragraph it says based on their sex, two very different things.

So yesterday the conversation ended up shifting the responsibility to the Board that the Board really needed to step up do something about this matter because the way it is, the school's just following a 2014 policy and until the Board does something, the school's just gonna continue complying to that. If this is what it is, let's be honest with the public because taxpayers are funding this public education system, put the correct signs in the bathrooms because they're not men and women. They are unisex. Let's have informed consent.

Monika, who just moved back to the area recently said “If she wasn't a senior and so close to graduation, I would've pulled her out Tuesday.”

I would want nothing to do with this. Had I known when we moved back to Idaho her sophomore year that this was gonna be an issue, I would've never put her in public school. That was the first year she ever attended public school. I would've never done it.

This all comes on the heels of a controversy that erupted last month when conservative activist, and president of the Citizens Alliance, Matt Edwards, discovered that the Coeur d’Alene school district had adopted “Gender Identity Guidelines” in 2014, when liberal extremist Christa Hazel was chair of the board.

Julie’s mother, Monika, said she reached out to the Coeur d’Alene press to cover the story, but according to the KC Spectator, the newspaper refused to cover the story because Monika was “not a subscriber.”

This all came out just days before the March 14 vote for a perpetual levy that seeks $25 Million in funds from taxpayers on an annual basis.

The districts administration, who have been un-responsive to citizens’ concerns about mask mandates and “Gender Identity” policies criticized efforts to stop the levy as “un-American” and “disgusting” in a recent op-ed published by the CDA Press.

The Idaho Tribune reached out to Dr. Shon Hocker and trustee Casey Morrisroe, and both declined comment.

There is a Board of Trustees meeting tonight at 5:00 pm at 1505 N. 5th Street, Coeur d'Alene. The meeting will be available on YouTube as well.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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