Video: Marjorie Taylor Green Speaks At The KCRCC Lincoln Day Dinner — Promises Deep Investigation Into Hunter Biden And Government Corruption

Marjorie Taylor Greene came to North Idaho to speak at the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee’s annual Lincoln Day Dinner.

Over 600 conservatives, elected officials, and media personalities from all over North Idaho packed the room, eager to hear updates on what our representatives are doing For The People, in Boise and beyond.

Liberals were incredibly upset that someone so Conservative was coming to speak to North Idaho’s Republican base. A couple of dozen elderly hippies drove in from Washington state to protest the event.

Meanwhile, inside the Coeur d’Alene Resort, everyone was warm, and in good spirits.

Dorothy Moon, the firebrand Conservative Chairwoman of the Idaho Republican Party gave an update on what has been happening down in Boise, complimenting North Idaho’s legislators on their work.

World famous comedian, Alex Stein, who will also be speaking at the upcoming Canyon County Lincoln Day, made fun of Democrat ridiculousness.

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And, finally, Marjorie Taylor Greene burned down the house with an explosive speech that railed against out-of-control government spending, Biden family corruption, and a preview of what our legislators will be doing in Washington D.C. now that they have reclaimed the House of Representatives.

Watch the whole thing below:

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Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


The Flame Of Liberty — My Pilgrimage To North Idaho


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