NIC Trustee Banducci VIOLENTLY ATTACKED By Unhinged Leftist Professor — “Enraged” Teacher Zach Shallbetter Says He “Does Not Regret It”— Fear Of Left-Wing Terrorism Spreads Through Community

It was only a matter of time before the Left became violent again. Next time will it be a gun?

(Coeur d’Alene, Idaho) — After months of dehumanizing rhetoric, uncontrollable left-wing mobs on campus, criminal cover-ups, and secret meetings plotting “hard core measures” against conservatives, the situation at North Idaho College has become violent.

North Idaho College Trustee Todd Banducci was threatened and violently attacked in his office yesterday by an unhinged left-wing NIC Assistant Professor named Zach Shallbetter.

The Idaho Tribune was the first to break the story yesterday in a thread on Twitter:

Early Wednesday morning, independent journalist Casey Whalen took to Twitter and released the police report.

The report states:

“I was dispatched to a physical disturbance at [redacted address] Zachary Shallbetter came to Todd Banducci’s place of work and threw a large bucket of water with cleaning chemicals on him. The water and bucket both made physical contact with Todd. The incident became physical between the subjects after this. Todd had abrasions to his forearms from the incident. he also received property damage inside his office from the water and wet chemicals. Todd desired to press charges and placed Zachary under citizens arrest. Zachary was transported to PSB and booked on charges of battery and malicious injury to property.”

This police report confirms earlier tweets from the Tribune, as well as a statement released by North Idaho College communications officer Laura Rumpler.

After verbally threatening Trustee Banducci, Shallbetter took a bucket of cleaning chemicals he found on-site and violently threw it at Banducci, destroying his office, computer, electronics and leading to a physical confrontation. Banducci was able to subdue Shallbetter and place him under citizens arrest.

By 5:00pm, Shallbetter had posted bond and was released from the Kootenai County Jail.

Shallbetter then agreed to do an interview with KHQ’s John Webb where he admitted that he walked into Banducci’s office, verbally threatened and swore at him, and then proceeded to attack him. Shallbetter told Webb: "I don't regret it.”

Shallbetters actions have turned a years long Campaign of Hate against the conservative trustees at North Idaho College, into a campaign of VIOLENCE.

Violent Extremist Rhetoric Radicalizes Local Leftists

Local leftists have lied about, defamed, slandered, smeared, doxxed and threatened NIC Trustees for well over 3 years now, and during the winter of 2023 the Democrat Party of Kootenai County held a meeting where panelists doxxed Banducci’s business and ratcheted up their violent, dehumanizing rhetoric about the conservative Trustees.

Panelists at that meeting included former NIC Trustee Christie Wood, former NIC employee and far-left extremist activist Teresa Borrenpohl, and current NIC employee Sarah Martin.

During that February meeting, the keynote speaker of the event, David Adler, a left-wing extremist from the Sun Valley Institute said:

“Let's ask the key question here, because you're all so enraged by the behavior of the trustees who are prepared to sink this college. What are their livelihoods? Where do they work? Do they own businesses? If they own businesses, if they run a restaurant, then you could […] simply create a boycott of their business. So you wanna know where do they live? Not to where they live. Where do they work? Excuse me.

Coeur d’Alene City Counselor and former NIC Trustee Christie Wood nervously coughed up the goods:  

“I do. Todd has his own business. He sells, uh, life insurance, um, securities. […]“

Adler thanked Counselor Wood, and pressed harder for the name of Todd’s business:

I can see there's some unease about this, isn't there? Well, no. Well, let me… I'm a professor. Let me just start with saying, this is why there's unease. We don't like to have to resort to these tactics or techniques to win great causes, but by God, this is what's happened in American history. You have to resort to these techniques and tactics. So let's have the name of the insurance company where this fellow works.”

An audience member shouted the name of Banducci’s business, which was then confirmed by Coeur d’Alene City Counselor Dan Gookin, Christie Wood and Teresa Borrenpohl.

Adler then continued, bringing the panelists and the audience down the garden path of radicalization, likening their efforts to “marginalize those in this legislature and across the state who would undermine our democracy," to those of Ghandi and Martin Luther King saying, “We are not going to abide by the laws.” Adler said that the choice of tactics:

“depends how concerned you are about this issue. If it's merely a petty issue, you won't resort to boycotts and other, other tactics. But it's up to you to decide how badly, how much it is, how important it is for you to save the college. So that really is the question you all want to ask yourselves. When deciding how to employ various tactics dealing with the trustees whom you view as destroying your beloved college.

Dehumanizing Rhetoric Radicalized Shallbetter & Led To Violence

For the past 3 years, the Coeur d’Alene Press has stoked the flames of this violent cabal of Left-Wing extremists, even going as far as to print an editorial that compared Trustee Greg McKenzie to an animal that would be “hunted” by his political opposition.

The CDA Press’ reporting about the ongoing situation at NIC has been alarmist, extremist, full of lies and falsehoods about the nature of the problems at the college and the actions of the Conservative Trustees. The Press has whipped the left-wing professors on campus into a rage that has been evident at past NIC meetings. A rage that the Press has covered up.

In his interview with KHQ, the recently fired violent ex-NIC Professor Zach Shallbetter explained his reasoning behind his attack on Trustee Banducci. “It’s so fundamentally sad that there’s nothing anybody can do,” about the conservative leadership at the college. “My colleague… has been so upset the entire time, the entire semester,” saying that “my rage was not for me, but for everyone around me,” as if this somehow justified the violence. Shallbetter’s rhetoric sounds exactly like what David Adler was speaking about in February.

“We don't like to have to resort to these tactics or techniques to win great causes, but by God, this is what's happened in American history.” — David Adler February 2023

There were a NUMBER of NIC employees and professors present at the February “Hijacking Democracy” meeting which contributed to the radicalization of NIC faculty and staff such as Democrat LD3 Precinct Chair and former NIC Librarian Brian Seguin and NIC Dance instructor Sheryl Bentz-Sipe. Seguin still serves as chair of the “Cardinal Reads” program.

NIC Student Alex Elliott.

Coeur d’Alene City Counselor and former NIC Trustee Christie Wood.

Sarah Martin, and former NIC employee Kerri Simmonet.

Deborah Rose and Dan Gookin.

There were also members of other local left-wing groups like the Community Library Network Alliance’s Emily Cristopherson.

North Idaho Pride Alliance leader Sarah Lynch was there too.

What we are seeing is a highly organized network of Far-Left Extremists who are engaging in violent, dehumanizing rhetoric, and now physically attacking elected officials.


On Facebook, a so-called “satire” account pretending to be the Kootenai County GOP made a sarcastic post saying “This page does not think it is okay to ice bucket challenge anyone. Not even Banducci.”

They have made the comments to the post private, but not before conservative members of the community saved them. They were overwhelmingly in support of the violent actions taken by Shallbetter against Banducci.

Alex Shaffer justified the attack saying “he’s screwing a lot of people and their livelihood way worse than getting a bucket of water in the face.”

“Banducci deserves it.” Shaffer wrote in another post.

Charles Dixon compared Trustee Banducci to the Wicked Witch of the West.

Georgina Rodger-Wilson, who was sporting a “Vote Yes” profile piture said “Good. FAFO [F*ck around, find out]… Karma.”

Michelle Olsen said “Get rid of Todd legally.” (You can’t, he’s an elected trustee.)

Comments on the CDA Press’ facebook post were just as bad, if not worse.

Alex Shaffer pops up here again to say “Hero Status,” while Andrea Shepherd said “I stand behind Zach Shallbetter 100%. This is a long time coming for Banducci…”

Kevin Kirking said “Nobody deserves a good dousing more!” while Barbara Kirkpatrick suggests starting a go-fund-me for Shallbetter’s attorney’s fees.

Terri Marsh Loar who previously admitted to battering Library Trustee Rachelle Ottosen said “Threw at the right one!!!”

It’s somewhat surprising that the Coeur d’Alene Press is allowing this dehumanizing rhetoric, and encouragement of violent far-left extremism, but then again, this is the same newspaper that sold advertising to the Aryan Nations in July of 1981. So, nothing has really changed.

This is how violence begins. This is how terrorism is fostered. It is precisely the kind of dehumanizing rhetoric that led to the Holocaust in World War II.

The Newspaper is fanning the flames of this violence. The local groups, organizations and non-profits (including the NIC Foundation by the way) are all feeding into the same “rage” that provoked Shallbetter to attack an elected official.

This time it was water. Next time? It could be a gun…


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