Over 20 Dead In Somalia After U.S. Backed Fighters Open Fire On Civilians — Idaho Senator Risch’s “Security Partnership” Stokes Conflict

“I’m With The U.S. Government. I’m Here To Help.”

Less than one year ago, on March 18, 2022, the Idaho Tribune was the only news outlet in America warning that Idaho Senator Jim Risch’s new “Security Partnership” with secessionist rebels in Somalia was stoking conflict and could lead to a potential civil war in the troubled African region.

Now, just 9 months later, secessionist security forces associated with the Somali National Movement (SNM) have used the training and weapons they received from their “Security partners” in the United States, by opening fire on civilians in Laascaanood.

According to Reuters:

At least 20 people have been killed in Somalia's breakaway region of Somaliland in clashes between anti-government protesters [unarmed Somalian civilians] and security forces [U.S. Backed Somaliland Secessionists] over several days, according to a doctor at a public hospital.

Mohamed Farah, a doctor at Laascaanood Hospital, a public facility in Laascaanood, told Reuters at least 20 people had been killed and dozens injured. He said he had seen the bodies of victims brought into the facility.

Protesters are demanding that Somaliland cede control of the town to Puntland and also accuse security forces of failing to end insecurity in the town.

"Somaliland forcefully occupied Laascaanood and failed to secure it. We are demanding that they leave," Adaan Jaamac Oogle, the spokesman of the protesters told Reuters.

"We cannot tolerate continuing bloodshed of civilians."

A police spokesman did not immediately respond to a call from Reuters requesting comment.

Strikethroughs and [Brackets] Added by the Tribune.

The so called “anti-government protestors” in Laascaanood aren’t actually anti-government; they are against the breakaway secessionist government imposed on them by the invading Somaliland rebels.

To put this into American terms, we all know that the January 6th protestors aren’t “anti-government,” they are against corrupt government and stolen elections. Liberals fail to understand this distinction.

A source close to the events that have been unfolding in Somalia reached out to Tribune reporters early this morning saying “The atrocities started on 30 of December 2022. 20 protesters civilians are killed in the protests so far and over hundred wounded.”

Our source continues, “There is massive displacement now ongoing. There is a complete communication blackout as of now. The region which is called SSC or Khaatumo wants to be part of the legal Federal Government of Somalia.”

Thanks to Senator Jim Risch, the streets of Laascaanood are stained with the blood of innocent civilians.

Over the past year, Senator Risch has not only been stoking conflict within Somalia, but he has also been at the forefront of the ongoing U.S. Proxy-War in Ukraine.

Senator Risch, and his fellow RINO Republicans in both Boise and in Washington D.C. have lobbied to send over $50 Billion to Zelenskyy’s terrorist regime in Ukraine, and have shamed anyone concerned with this out-of-control spending by calling them “Putin supporters.”

“If you want to support Vladimir Putin, that’s fine,” said Risch’s spokesman Mark Kilmer, to constituents upset with the de-stabalizing policies pushed by the neo-conservative senator.

“This is between Vladimir Putin and the people of Ukraine. Senator Risch is on the side of the people of Ukraine. Its a very simple choice as far as senator Risch is concerned, and I think that is the majority opinion in the U.S. and in Idaho for that matter.”

Meanwhile in Ukraine:

Idahoans see through the malarkey that neo-conservative legislators like Senator Jim Risch spew from their ivory towers in Washington D.C., and frankly we’re sick of it.

Idahoans want representation that will put Idaho and America First. We want an end to the “era of endless wars” like Trump said to recent graduates from West Point.

We don’t want endless streams of refugees from countries like Somalia that have, unfortunately, been de-stabalized by the United States and the CIA for decades.

Our message to Senator Risch is simple; stop stoking conflict and war abroad! We already have enough problems here at home.

E-mail or Call Senator Risch’s office, and tell him what you think.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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