Prominent Democrat Allowed To Become Women Republican Member — RINO Republicans’ Ongoing Attempt To Sabotage IDGOP

“Hello My Fellow Republicans”

While most Republicans are focused on fighting against Democrat attempts to introduce pornographic literature in children’s sections at local libraries, Left-leaning RINO Republicans are busy fighting the newly elected Chairwoman of the Idaho GOP, Dorothy Moon.

There have been several recent articles from the extremely left-wing, Democrat, news outlet the Idaho Capitol Sun warning that there is a “danger” to the Republican party if Conservatives are able to remove groups like the Women Republicans from the Idaho GOP’s executive committee.

What these articles don’t tell you, is that these groups are frequently infiltrated by Democrats, and members can be appointed to the Idaho GOP executive committee without ever having to be voted in by actual Republicans.

Back in 2019, this exact situation played out in the Bonneville County Women’s Republican Federated. East Idaho News reported on the incident:

Diane Jensen, a member of the women’s organization, filed a lawsuit against the Bonneville County Republican Women claiming the organization manipulated its election by only allowing a select few members vote for its leadership.

Although the club is a part of a larger national and state organization, the Republican Women clubs are independent of the Republican Party.

The suit also claims the head of the Bonneville County Democratic Party was allowed to join the Republican organization and vote in the election.

The truth is, Bonneville County Democrats Chair Miranda Marquit did join the Bonneville County Republican Women and voted in their election.

“I was invited to join because I have actually been attending meetings for three years,” Marquit told

Most recently, Miranda Marquit ran against Republican Barbara Ehardt for a seat in the Idaho Legislature. At a debate in September, Marquit argued that children under the age of 18 should be allowed to change their gender.

So, to reiterate what happened in the Bonneville Women Republican group:

  • Republican Women’s Chair Stephanie Mickelsen Invites Miranda Marquit to join.

  • Miranda Marquit is Chair of Bonneville Democrats & Pro-Child Grooming.

  • Mickelsen did not remove Miranda from group membership until she got sued.

Now, we are being told by liberal news outlets that we should not remove the Republican Women’s seat on the Idaho GOP Executive Committee.


Do you get it now?

They are afraid of an actually Conservative Republican Party, and they plan on using the Women Republicans, the College Republicans and the Idaho Young Republicans to subvert Dorothy Moon’s vision and leadership.

This January, the Idaho GOP has a chance to remove this vector of attack at the State Central Committee Meeting.

Don’t fall for the liberal propaganda. Appeasement never works.

RINOs, Liberal Republicans, and Democrats need to be kept as far away from the levers of power within the Republican Party as possible. You don’t want an Idaho GOP led by someone like Liz Cheney do you?

For more information, and to sign a petition in support of the rule change you can visit

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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