Residents of Caldwell School District Speak Out On Proposed Transgender Policy Changes: “It's Just Not Right”

“I don't want some creep going in the bathroom that my girl's in.”

Over the weekend, Josh Gibbons, a Podcaster and Conservative activist went around Caldwell, Idaho interviewing residents about the pro-transgender policies under active consideration at Caldwell School District.

These policies would allow boys to go into girls’ restrooms, and would prevent teachers from warning parents that their child is struggling with gender identity issues.

Unsurprisingly, the majority of citizens and parents in the area are opposed to the new rules.

Julia Hughes, a concerned parent said “Actually, I was at the district meeting to voice my opinion because I absolutely disagree,” with these policies. Julia continued, “I think that a it's not good for society to be catering to these mental health issues that kids are having. We need to be helping them. We need to be working with them, not encouraging that behavior.”

“You see all over the country stories of people taking advantage of the situation, and kids getting hurt. Look at Loudoun School District, and you know that's a perfect example.

Louden County School District as some may remember, was the district where a “transgender” teenager brutally raped a young girl in the bathroom.

Instead of addressing the issue, the School Board covered up the crime and had police officers arrest the father of the young girl, and dragged him out of a school board meeting in handcuffs, calling him a “terrorist.”

Julia continued:

I just think it's a terrible terrible idea. I think it is painfully obvious that the majority does not want this but that people have personal issues on the on the board and they're trying to force something through to fit their family's lifestyle.”

The “personal issues” that Julia cited, is a reference to Marisela Pesina, the Chairwoman of the Caldwell School Board, whose son is “transgender.”

(Left) Marisela Pesina with Democrat David Roth (Right) Miguel Pesina in Drag

Another man interviewed by Gibbons, named Kyle, said bluntly:

“I don't agree with it at all. Boys boys use the boys restroom, and girls use the girls restroom…I don't want some creep going in the bathroom that my girl's in at all, so, I don't agree with it.”

The video which is about 7 minutes long can be viewed on YouTube and on Twitter.

Josh Gibbons hosts two podcasts: What’s Happening Idaho, and UnCancelable, and they can be found on his website

If you would like to share your thoughts with the Canyon County School Board, you can Click Here to find their contact information.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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