Retired Firefighter Running for Senate, Carl Bjerke, Takes on Peter Riggs & the Idaho Swamp

Things are starting to heat up in North Idaho

Carl Bjerke, a retired Fire Chief of 32 years, has thrown his helmet into the ring, and is now contending for Idaho Senate District 5, against an entrenched incumbent, Peter Riggs, whose vast political / Business connections would make even Hillary Clinton blush.

Bjerke’s opponent, Peter Riggs, has the support of pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer, who donated to his campaign.

Not just that, Pfizer, as well as Johnson & Johnson, donated to Riggs during the COVID lockdowns in 2021, while businesses across Idaho shuttered under Boise regulation.

Peter Riggs is also the brother of Jennifer Drake, who is chair of Coeur d’Alene’s controversial Arts Commission that continues to oppose the will of local residents, erecting art displaying the communist Hammer & Sickle, as well as most recently appointing a controversial new committee member, Abby Light, whose work revolves around sexually graphic imagery.

Peter’s wife has also enjoyed the family connections with the Arts Commission, which has displayed her art locally throughout Coeur d’Alene.

The Coeur d’Alene swamp is rife with family ties and connections, stretching all the way down to Boise.

Contrarily, Carl Bjerke, the opponent of the swamp, has served for 32 years as a firefighter, and says “I am not a politician” before adding that he “would become one, if it meant Idahoans represent Idaho, once again.”

Bjerke’s detractors have claimed “experience” is needed in senate, saying his lack-there-of is disqualifying. Though, if experience means taking donations from pharmaceutical giants, and entrenched insider politics, contrarily, that lack of experience is exactly what Idaho needs in Senate.

To visit Carl Bjerke and to keep up with his campaign for senate, visit him on facebook by clicking here.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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