REVENGE of the RINOS: Idaho’s RNC Delegates, Damond Watkins and Cindy Siddoway, Voted For Ronna McDaniel — Idaho Republicans Demand Answers

Over the past few months, a battle has been raging within the Republican party over who would become the next Chair of the RNC.

On the one side, was the establishment candidate Ronna Romney McDaniels who presided over the theft of the 2020 election; on the other, Harmeet Dillion, a high powered lawyer and grassroots Conservative activist.

Idahoans took particular interest in this contest, and sent a clear message to our new chairwoman Dorothy Moon and our national committeeman & committeewoman Damond Watkins and Cindy Siddoway; Idaho wants to see a change at the RNC.

The grassroots push for change escalated when several county level GOP central committees, and even several regional committees, passed resolutions urging our representatives to vote for Harmeet Dhillon.

Hundreds of people reached out to their representatives. Phone calls, e-mails, facebook and twitter posts, urging for change.

What did Watkins and Siddoway do? Idaho’s RNC representation decided to endorse Ronna Romney McDaniel.

Damond Watkins, Idaho’s National Committeeman who voted for McDaniel, doesn’t even live in Idaho anymore.

They even had a special hearing at the Idaho GOP winter meeting to discuss the matter.

A declaration that Watkins had vacated his position when he moved away from Idaho was blocked by former Idaho Young Republican Chair turned IDGOP Vice-Chair, Daniel Silver.

At the meeting, it was Silver who fought tooth and nail to ensure that a Watkins could vote. The fact that Watkins went on to vote against the wishes of the people of Idaho only adds insult to injury.

Nobody is surprised. This is how RINOs operate. Top-down, hand-picked, establishment bootlickers are thrust into positions not to serve the people they represent, but to serve their own interests and those of their friends.

Charlie Kirk, the head of Turning Point USA, a grassroots youth organization, shared his thoughts after attending the RNC convention this past weekend:

“I learned so much being at the RNC today.

1) There are some amazing members that truly love the grassroots. 55 of them that listen to you and care about what you think. They are passionate, lovely people who want their country back. They are wonderful.
2) There is a small group of the 111 — likely 10-12 people — that are just scared. They don’t know how to move forward but are terrified of changing the status quo. They voted for Ronna for “continuity not chaos," a weak argument based on fear, not vision.
3) The largest slice of the RNC pie is filled with people who have a deep-seated contempt for the base energy of the party. Several told me to my face that they are annoyed by the grassroots and their “emails” that “bother them.”
4) They told me November was a “raging success” and “historically good.” They told me the party needs fewer people who watch “Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson and your podcast and more people who read the newspaper.”
5) The exuberance from these consultants when Ronna was elected chair was deafening. They knew what this means: the flow of money will only continue.
6) I am truly shocked at how disconnected the RNC country club is from the people they beg for donations. There is a club of consultants who make insane $ off YOUR donations and are no proud of how they can defy the 98% of the party who wanted to see change.
7) The contempt is real. The attitude is repeatedly expressed as “the volunteers who are upset don’t understand how things work around here”

This is unsustainable.”

Charlie is right. In order for a Republic to function properly, our leaders need to actually represent the people that put them into office.

Until then, the Republican Civil War against the RINOs will continue.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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