SHOCKING: Idaho Parents Confront Library Board By Reading Pornographic Books Available To 12 Year Olds — “This Is Disgusting!”
(Post Falls, Idaho) – Dozens of citizens from Kootenai County filled the Post Falls Library to the brim at the February 16th Community Library Network board meeting. Concerned parents and grandparents were eager to confront the (majority-liberal) board, over the distribution of obscene, hardcore pornographic books to minors.
During public comment, several community members complained about pornographic books in the adolescent Section of the Library. Books like Identical by Ellen Hopkins, Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe, and A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas are all books available through the Community library network, and they all came under fire. A woman named Heather said:
“It’s like the library taking a glass of water with a piece of poop in it… Then saying to the kids and their parents “There’s only a piece of poop in it, therefore it’s still good to drink.” Would anyone here drink water with poop in it? Why then would you think it’s OK to give kids porn? However big or small.”
“Now this book, A Court of Silver Flames is more like 64 pieces of poop loaded into the water for our kids to drink. 64 pages of explicit, mostly pornographic content. It’s labeled adolescent in the system and it’s available for kids as young as 12.”
Watch the video below to see her full testimony, but we warn you, it contains graphic content:
For the past year and a half, Marianna Cochran, a concerned citizen in Post Falls, Idaho, has been ringing the alarm bells about the pornographic books that are available in local North Idaho’s Community Library Network. Up until now, her warnings have fallen on deaf ears.
Marianna Cochran - Founder of Clean Books For Kids
In an exclusive interview with the Idaho Tribune, Marianna said “The board demonstrates zero willingness to take anything off the shelves.” Cochran continued,
“Whether that's via book challenges or, as I have said to them in emails… They have been supplied with book titles multiple times. I have sent them emails of book titles. I have sent them the PDF excerpts. Patrons have stood up at the public comment and identified titles. People have literally stood there and held up books in front of them.”
But nothing has been done. As of right now, every single book challenge has been denied, and not one book has been removed. According to Cochran, when it comes to what kinds of books the libraries buy, “The board sets the policy. They changed that policy in November saying ‘you will not have obscene materials for kids that violates Idaho codes.’”
The official policy Cochran referenced can be found on the CLN Website. The “Materials Selection Policy” took effect November 4th, 2022, and says:
Forms of expression that are unprotected by the First Amendment will not knowingly be included in the collection. Unprotected materials are those that have been declared obscene by a U.S. Court of Law. Materials for minors under the age of eighteen (18) that violate Idaho Codes 18-1513, 18-1514, and 18-1515 will be excluded from the juvenile and young adult collections.
Idaho Code 18-1513 says:
“It is hereby declared to be the policy of the legislature to restrain the distribution, promotion, or dissemination of obscene material, or of material harmful to minors, or the performance of obscene performances, or performances harmful to minors. It is found that such materials and performances are a contributing factor to crime, to juvenile crime, and also a basic factor in impairing the ethical and moral development of our youth.”
Because books like A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas are still freely available to Minors at the Community Library Network, they are technically in violation of their own policies.
“They're intractable.” Cochran said. “They are not going to respond. These people have seen at least 75 public comments over the last year and a half, from people who have complained about the content, who have provided titles, page numbers, and they’re not going to respond to any rational argument. They are entrenched.”
In fact, it wasn’t until just one month ago, that liberal board member trustee Regina McCrea accidentally admitted during the board meeting that these books are in fact available in the library, to 12 year olds.
The Library Board, and groups like the North Idaho Pride Alliance, as well as the newly formed, left-leaning, “Community Library Alliance” have all denied the very existence of these books in our libraries in a weak attempt to gaslight the public.
These far-left groups have all used the local newspaper and various NGO’s such as the Human Rights Education Institute to label-lynch parents who have a problem with the idea of children reading hardcore porn.
At the most recent Library board meeting, Josiah Mannion, an athiest, anti-Christian activist, who supports the new left-wing “Community Library Alliance” (Think “Friends of NIC”), lashed out at conservative parents, calling them “white christian nationalists,” and fear mongering about the 40 year old memory of Richard Butler and his gang of 15 toothless, redneck neo-nazis who paraded around in the woods playing dress-up.
Just to reiterate, these liberals actually think that this sweet lady:
… is the same as this:
That concerned Christian grandmothers…
Are Neo-Nazis.
Whoops, sorry. That photo is of soldiers in Ukraine.
Whoops, that’s Ukraine too.
I mean, come on. People see right through this.
In both Bonners Ferry, where a librarian allegedly sent photos of herself stripping on a pole to a minor, and in Kootenai County at the Community Library Network, the media has done the same thing: attack conservative parents, and insinuate that they are willing to commit crimes to get their way.
In reality, everything is really the other way around.
Conservatives have had enough of the double standard.
During her public comment Cochran said, “The majority of this board, and its’ director, have vehemently and repeatedly denied and deflected any responsibility regarding kids access to pornography and obscenity at CLN. Since you won’t make the changes, the voters will. May 16th. The countdown has begun.”
Community Library Network Trustees Judy Meyer, and Regina McCrea are both liberal, and both up for re-election this May.
If conservatives want to protect their kids from the filth that is everywhere in our libraries, all they need to do is show up and vote the groomers out.