The Fiasco At West Bonner County Schools — What Happens Next?
“This is a cafeteria ma’am. Please, sit down.”
Priest River City Counselor Candy Naccaratto
(Priest River, Idaho) — Following a contentious recall campaign at West Bonner County School district, a board meeting was cancelled on Friday evening, after a judge issued an injunction that prevents the board from functioning as normal until the results of that election are certified on September 7th.
The vote which was on August 29th resulted in conservative trustees Keith Rutledge And Susan Brown being recalled from the board in what is by all accounts a record voter turnout for an election like this.
The Priest River Mob was out in full force in anticipation of the Friday board meeting that would have allowed for the appointment of a new board chair so that business can be taken care of during the interim while the board only has 3 members.
Priest River City Councillor Candy Naccaratto joining in on the action, hopping up on a table and shouting “We gotta keep it going!”
Kootenai County Republican Central Committee Chairman, Brent Regan said on Facebook:
“This is why you shouldn't listen to hysterical liberals or the media. The recall election was successful against the two board members who happen to be the chairman and vice chairman. After the vote is official on September 7th you won't have a chairman or a vice chairman. So who runs the meetings??? You have a flat tire and no spare.
“What tonight's meeting was SUPPOSTED to do was dissolve (NOT resign) the board, which means all the board members relinquish their titles (like Chairman and Vice Chairman) on the board BUT THEY REMAIN ON THE BOARD. The superintendent then conducts the election of a new chairman and then that chairman conducts the balance of the meeting. Then on September 7th when the two recalled board members are no longer on the board you still have a functioning board of three, with a newly elected chairman, which can proceed to fill the remaining seats. This is called the smooth transition of power.
“However what we now have is hysterical people who are ignorant of parliamentary procedure and the law, making false claims about the superintendent appointing a new board which is a claim COMPLETELY UNSUPPORTED by Idaho law. How they got a judge to issue an injunction against a legal and necessary meeting is beyond comprehension.
“Welcome to the post justice America. Thanks Uncle Joe....”