Whistleblower Parent Speaks Out — 13 Year Old Attempts Su*cide 8 Times After Being Exposed To Alphabet+ Agenda

Get your kids out of Public School — NOW!

(Coeur d’Alene, Idaho) — Shelia Bucher, a Christian Kindergarten teacher, sent her daughter Anne to Lakes Middle School in Coeur d’Alene for 6th grade after 5 years of Private School.

Now, after being “affirmed” in her Gender Confusion by Coeur d’Alene school counselor Jennifer Zaike, Shelia’s daughter Anne has attempted suicide 8 times, cut her arms and legs, and most recently, cut her face like the Joker.

Anne has now been pulled from Lakes Middle School and is getting help at a facility in another state, but Shelia believes that other parents need to “pull their heads out of the sand” and address the skyrocketing mental health problems within the Public School system, namely gender ideology, suicidal ideation, and cutting.

Make sure to watch this unbelievable interview with Whistleblower Parent Shelia Bucher whose daughter ‘Anne’ was subjected to transgender indoctrination at Lakes Middle School which resulted in dire consequences. This video includes subtitles/CC.

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The next Coeur d’Alene School District board meeting will be held next Monday, May 13th 2024 at 1505 N. 5th Street, Coeur d'Alene.

What You Can Do About It:

If you are horrified and disgusted with what is happening to our kids in these schools, you need to Vote on May 21st. The people behind the LGBT+ agenda in our schools are attempting to overthrow the local, CONSERVATIVE Republican Party as part of the “North Idaho Republicans” who are really just progressive Democrats in Disguise.


Illustration Courtesy of Dan Brannan. Click to Enlarge.


This rapid change of culture, coupled with the attempted overthrow of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee has been dubbed the “Gem State Heist,” and every Republican in Idaho needs to vote for the CONSERVATIVE Precicnt Committeemen that are running across the state.

Find out more at GemStateHeist.org


Principle or Power


Op-Ed: Trent Clark Should Apologize to Small Donors