Antifa Declare Coeur d’Alene Pride event “Huge Success” — Document Their Involvement in Idaho Leading up to LGBT Event

They're bringing in the Antifa extremists to North Idaho

In a report posted on the Antifa blogging website It’s Going Down, Antifa extremists highlight tactics deployed leading up to and during the highly publicized June 11 “Pride in the Park” event in Coeur d’Alene where outside groups descended upon North Idaho, turning Coeur d’Alene into a national freak show.

The left-wing extremists highlight their preparation of the event, admitting that “different collectives outside Coeur d’Alene” came together to plan for action in North Idaho before traveling to the LGBT event.

There were multiple Antifa extremists who traveled from Portland Oregon, with at least one of ‘they/them’ being arrested at the LGBT event.

Antifa activists stated they were ready to “put their bodies on the line” if there were to be any confrontation, adding the word “defensively” to ward of any legalistic repercussions to any actions that could have been deemed violent.

Antifa goes on to say that “blending in” with ‘normal’ liberals is an effective strategy, and that abandoning their typical attire of “black bloc” (wearing all black) was a useful tactic in North Idaho — mitigating potential arrests while effectively using locals as cannon fodder while engaging with protestors.

Antifa groups had begun taking notice in North Idaho well before the highly controversial June 11 “Pride in the Park” event that saw multiple arrests, and abhorrent transvestite performances at the “family-friendly” event.

In fact, Antifa had been actively encouraging other left-wing extremists to register as republican and vote for Brad Little in Idaho’s recent Republican primary election.

Almost 20,000 Democrats in Idaho switched parties to vote in the closed Republican primary elections in Idaho, overwhelmingly favoring the establishment incumbents who called themselves “moderate” conservatives.

To add to the emboldened image Antifa continues to display in Idaho, the extremist group was caught actively providing the sitting mayor of Boise with propaganda material openly on social media.

The Antifa blog post goes on to claim the North Idaho Pride Alliance security team began “adopting some antifascist tactics alongside antifascists” against individuals handing out propaganda in the park.

“North Idaho Pride was a Huge Success”

While conservatives locally continue to assess what had happened to their city on June 11, Antifa activists are celebrating a “huge success” after having traveled from out of state to lay siege to one of the most conservative communities in the United States of America.

Johnston Meadows

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