BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Fired By Fox News’ Rupert Murdoch — News Corp Loses A Billion Dollars As Conservatives Pledge To Cancel Subscriptions En Masse

In a shock to conservatives nation wide, Fox News announced on Monday morning that the declining news empire has made the decision to fire its #1 news host, Tucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson was literally the only mainstream news host that dared to counter the establishment narrative on the vaccines, the war in Ukraine, the violence unleashed in American citizens in 2020 during the George Floyd Riots, and much, much more.

Tucker was a unifying voice for Conservatives all across the nation who felt dispossessed, disregarded, forgotten, and marginalized by the American deep state.

Now, Conservatives all across America are pledging to “cut the cord” and get rid of their cable news and Fox subscriptions.

According Market Insider, Fox News has already posted a $900 Million loss.

Besides benefitting the American Deep State, this move also is a huge benefit to RINOs and corrupt republicans, because they no longer have a national voice like Tucker holding them accountable.

Tucker’s absence from Fox news means that it is more important than ever to support local, independent, conservative news outlets like ours.

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The American political landscape is changing very rapidly, and the Media is becoming more decentralized, sandboxxed, and sycophantic.

Nobody is coming to help. There is no “plan” to trust. It is up to us Conservatives to help ourselves.

With God’s grace, and a willingness to work together, we can create our own information networks, our own media, and use our own voices to make Idaho Godly again.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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