Lies Exposed: Boise Library Bans Books Containing Porn, Incest, Rape and the N-Word — Idaho Liberals Melt Down, Threatening Board Takeover And Lawsuits
They can’t ban books that don’t exist — They banned them, therefore they do exist.
(Boise, Idaho) — For the past several years, library boards all over the state of Idaho and the nation have denied the existence of obscene, pornographic, and inappropriate materials in our libraries. Now that concerned parents have finally gotten the attention of legislators & library board trustees, liberal activists are no longer pretending that “it’s not happening in our libraries.”
According to a liberal newspaper in Boise, the trustees at the Boise Public Library voted to remove the following books,
“Gender Queer” by Maia Kobabe
“Lawn Boy” by Jonathan Evison
“All Boys Aren’t Blue” by George M Johnson
“Out Of Darkness” by Ashley Hope Perez
“The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison
“This Book is Gay” by Juno Dawson
So, to be clear, it went from “there isn’t pornography in the libraries; That’s just propaganda,” to “well, it’s not in the children’s section; it’s in the Young Adult section,” to “it’s only 7 pages of the book.”
Here’s where we’re at now:
To be clear, this is one of the pages from the book “Gender Queer:”
Such a “good book.”
By the way, Gender Queer is available via an interlibrary loan at the Community Library Network to anyone who wants it. They did recently change the category from Young Adult to Adult, but at this time, any library card, including minors’ cards, can still check this book out unless parents “opt-in” to their new card policy. So, yes, this book is available to minors under the age of 18 here in Kootenai County.
Moving along…
The book made you gasp? What was it? The child pornography?
Was it the bestiality?
Or was it the N-Word? No, we don’t mean “Nuclear.”
We didn’t have the Socialist pegged as a racist kiddie-porn enjoyer, but hey it’s 2023. Time to “get with the times” eh?
The Bluest Eyes is also available in the Community Library Network.
Imagine encouraging others to read this book.
Better be careful with that Neysa, it’s definitely illegal to distribute this material to minors in the state of Idaho.
Here’s another book that got banned in Boise, called Lawn Boy.
I mean, really? This isn’t “educational” material.
It’s simply disgusting. And, like Gender Queer, it’s also available in the Community Library Network via an inter-library loan from the Coeur d’Alene Library.
The people who are “outraged” over the removal of these books have pledged to start submitting book challenges for “biblical materials.”
So, they’re at war with God, and they are trying to remove God from the public sphere, in order to replace it with pedophilia, sodomy, racism and bestiality. I wonder where they got that idea? Maybe from yet another of the books that Boise Library just banned titled This Book Is Gay.
The Anti-Christ agenda is real.
This Book Is Gay p. 97
And if you’re wondering; yes, this book is available at the Community Library Network, via an inter-library loan. It’s classified as “Young Adult” on CLN’s Website.
So, Boise banned the books that the newspapers, and that local library trustees have all said “don’t exist.” What’s their reaction?
Antifa and the “Secret Society of Library Friends” chimed in as well, urging a “takeover” of library boards across the state. If they lived in Kootenai County, they would be voting for Judy Meyer and Regina McCrea.
“We’re NOT grooming kids, and if you don’t let us, we’ll sue you, take over your institutions, and ban the bible.”
Who are the extremists again?
There are elections coming up at the Community Library Network, Boundary County Library, East Bonner County Library, Kuna Libraray and Meridian Library.
Vote for conservatives that are willing to deal with this problem head on May 16th.