CDA Press Runs ‘Pro-Nazi’ Letters to Ukrainian Resistance Fighters Seen Waving Swastika Flags, Other Neo-Nazi Symbology

Being ‘Pro-Nazi’ is the “Humanitarian” thing to do?

The CDA Press has run a letter written by the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations Board of Directors, wherein they express an open “support and unity with the Ukrainian people” and their government. Little do they know, the Ukrainian government, as well as front-line Ukrainian fighters, have been openly supporting avowed Neo-Nazi extremist militias from as early as 2014.

The Kootenai County Taskforce on Human Relations’ website prominently displayed on the front page: “We reject the doctrine of white supremacy or any other doctrine that advocates the superiority of one race over another.” — This is only slightly comedic, as they wrote to the CDA Press, starting with “We pen this letter in support and unity with the Ukrainian people“ adding, “A clear example of such evil intention was Nazi leader Adolph Hitler’s invasion of Poland…”

Below is who the CDA Press, as well as all local “humanitarian” organizations have sided with in this so-called “war against extremism.”

The above photo shows the Ukrainian Military, and one of their units, The Azov Battalion. The middle flag is the official flag of the Azov Battalion. Their flag shows the blue and yellow colors of the Ukraine, with a Nazi Germany symbol in the middle, foreshadowing a “sonnenrad” — a sonnenrad is an esoteric circular symbol used in nazi Germany, popular today among extremist groups.


The above image clearly explains the significance of the Ukrainian Military Unit’s (Azov Battalion) flag, showing it’s clear and immutable relation to neo-nazi imagery.

Here you can see again, the Ukrainian Military donning the extremist imagery on the front lines of the war with Russia, who has said they are “denazifying” the Ukraine, as western media continue to ‘play dumb’ while openly supporting extremist groups in the region.

In 2014, the Azov Battalion kidnapped, bound, crucified and eventually burned a man on the cross, who was alleged to be a ‘Russian sympathizer.” — While the video is too brutal to show you here, we will provide screenshots of the horrifying event, which shows the crucifixion in full detail.

“We reject the doctrine of white supremacy or any other doctrine that advocates the superiority of one race over another.” - KCTHR

In another video, the so-called ‘brave Ukrainian patriots’ are seen hanging a man and his pregnant wife. The man had allegedly been accused of being ‘pro Russia’ by the neo-nazi extremist group.

These are the ‘brave’ Ukrainian fighters, inspiring your state representatives to miraculously take the side of George Soros in a conflict most Idahoans couldn’t point out on a map.

These LITERAL Neo-nazi extremist groups are the ones our State Department has elected to represent the resistance to foreign aggression. These Hitler-loving radicals are the ones your local humanitarian liberal believes is just a “Democracy defending sweetheart” who, if given the chance, would make a great refugee roommate.

These Ukrainian extremists could very well be your neighbors soon, as these same media outlets, politicians and liberal humanitarian groups will soon call for Idaho to “open it’s arms” to the cuddly Ukrainian patriots who valiantly crucified people alive defended Democracy.

The same people howling over 12 racist nazis eating burgers in Hayden, Idaho, will be lining up to protest for Hayden to take in 100,000 Ukrainian nazi-refugees.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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