Idaho Democrat Running For Governor, Shelby Rognstad, Shaved “Weird” Facial Hair — He Might Now Have a Chance
The guy, Shelby Rognstad, doesn’t say much about who he is on his website, nor does he get into detail about his campaign, or what he is running on.
The official campaign website for the guy details only 4 issues he is running on. These are:
Take care of our COMMUNITY with a science based approach to the pandemic and healthcare.
Help FAMILIES by funding Idaho’s schools.
Protect our PUBLIC LANDS where we hunt, fish, recreate and make a living.
Defend our FREEDOM by protecting our democratic system from attack.
“Defend our FREEDOM by protecting our democratic system from attack.”
What exactly does that mean?
Some have said this guy has a ‘goofy look’ and that he is a “weird guy.” Though, it is hard to tell from pictures alone.
There is no detailed description of the guy anywhere. He is a Democrat, and Democrats are known to support the EXTREME and FREAKISH practice of abortion (murdering a child before it is born) but the guy just doesn’t say what he does or does not support. His website says “take care of our COMMUNITY with a science based approach to the pandemic and healthcare.”
I think I saw this guy in a San Fransisco bookstore one time loudly chatting about the Richard Dawkins TedX before storming out with a book on yoga under his left arm. It might not have been him though, he just sort of looks like a guy that possibly did that.
Whatever it is, the man has a wardrobe that allows him to look like he’s going to the coffee shop to give stand-up slam-poetry, before slipping out to the steakhouse for a $40 mimosa. The guy has many looks.
Clearly, he’s ditched the caddy hat, and buttoned up his flannel, hiding the strange round gold pendant on a string he used to wear all of the time. He’s shaved his beard (which was a good move) and has attempted a new and improved “regular guy” look.
All in all, the updated look definitely works. Whoever advised this image update deserves a raise, something which the guy will be able to afford after he begins fundraising for is inevitably losing gubernatorial campaign.
Seriously though, good job on the shave.