Idaho Governor Joins Democrat’s Call for Retaliation against Russia — Ukraine is Still 5,720 Miles Away

Idaho Will Save Ukraine

The claim: “Unprovoked attack”

The reality: U.S. & NATO attempting to bring Ukraine into military defense agreement, supplying the state militarily, deploying offensive equipment to the border of Russia.

Idaho is 5,720 miles away from Ukraine and Russia. We have no place taking up positions on the global stage, interfering in the foreign affairs of non-NATO countries.

Brad Little, who can be found on, may have ulterior motives in his saber rattling over the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

We do, however, have quite a bit of problems of our own, which demand the full attention of those in elected office.

Brad Little should continue to focus on improving Idahoan’s lives here at home, rather than instigating further conflict in a country most Idahoans couldn’t point out on a map.

No cheating.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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