Coeur d’Alene LGBT Festival Could Potentially Violate Idaho Decency Laws — Drag Queens to Perform to “All Ages” Event

“Participation in, or production or presentation of,”

Idaho ‘decency laws’ could come into conflict with a local “Pride in the Park” event set to host multiple drag queen performances to an all-ages crowd where minors are likely to be present. As widely reported, North Idaho’s June 11 LGBT event will also welcome the Satanic Temple to the “family friendly” event.

The order states that public display of homosexuality in the presence of minors is considered “sexual conduct” — falling under the umbrella of Title 18 Chapter 41 Indecency & Obscenity.


(I) "Obscene live conduct" means any physical human body activity, whether performed or engaged in alone or with other persons, including but not limited to singing, speaking, dancing, acting, simulating, or pantomiming, where:

(1) The average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find such conduct, when considered as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest; and

(2) The conduct is patently offensive because it consists of:

(a) Ultimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated; or

(b) Masturbation, excretory functions, or lewd exhibition of the genitals or genital area.

The North Idaho Pride Alliance event page displays multiple drag queens set to perform for the all-ages event, with one drag queen, Lita Mon, who advertises an Onlyfans account titled “Thetwinkyboi” on his public Instagram.

The schedule for the all ages event has a “Drag Dance Party!” at 1:45 — assuming the event doesn’t change last minute.

The HREI (Human Rights & Education Centre) is promoting a parallel event in conjunction with North Idaho Pride Alliance which focusses on giving away books that have been banned throughout the country do to the material being viewed as obscene.

The distribution of materials considered obscene to minors could potentially land those doing so in hot water with the law, according to TITLE 18 CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS CHAPTER 41 INDECENCY AND OBSCENITY

For further context into Idaho’s obscenity laws regarding lewd materials both in public and in the presence of minors, please see here: Title18/T18CH15/SECT18-1514/

The event, which has drawn the attention of a national audience, drew outrage after it was uncovered that the Satanic Temple was listed on the organizer’s website.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


Drag Queen Removes OnlyFans Account Before June 11 Coeur d’Alene Idaho Pride Performance — LGBT Event Billed as “Family-Friendly”


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