Democrats Endorse Kiki Miller as CDA Press Ignores Vandalism — Runs Cover for Candidates Seen Taking Signs
“The Democratic Club welcomes Kiki Miller.”
As predicted in our previous report, the CDA Press refuses to report on the shocking discovery that Democrat activists have been damaging, defacing and stealing Conservative candidates political signs throughout Kootenai county. As local Democrats endorse Kiki Miller, social activists spray paint a swastika on a home of a supporter of conservative candidates’ private property.
The CDA Press ran a cover story featuring their preferred candidate’s refutation of local claims they have been removing opposition campaign materials. In the article, councilwoman, Kiki Miller, is quoted as saying she didn’t think "anything was wrong" when questioned over the removed signs.
A vehicle reportedly sitting across the street from the the ‘sign removers’ took video and photo evidence of the unfolding drama, as the CDA Press scrambles to bury the facts.
Yes, Kiki Miller and her associates have removed various political opposition signs, as admitted to the CDA Press. Though, she claimed to have permission.
As signs for candidates across the county continue to mysteriously vanish into thin air, the property of supporters of conservative candidates is defaced with spray paint.
Interestingly, Kiki Miller was described in a glowing blog post by ‘KootenaiDemocrats.Org’ as being “warm and inviting.” It is unsurprising to most, as the liberal CDA Press has taken initiative, that some Kootenai Democrats too wish to see Miller and her comrades elected this November 2nd.
In a recent post by Kootenai Democrats, they proudly proclaim “the Democrat club welcomes Kiki Miller”
As expected, you will not find Democrats endorsing any of the candidates below, as they are true Conservatives who are willing and ready to push back against the progressive agendas of their opponents, who have verifiably removed campaign sings and vandalized property with ominous and threatening messages.