Democrats Vandalize Property & Intimidate Conservative Voters Leading up to November 2nd North Idaho Elections

You won’t read about this in the CDA Press…

As North Idaho grows, with an influx of out-of-state residents, so does its population of radically progressive Democrats, bringing along with them all of the voter intimidation tactics, vandalism, and threats normally seen in places like Portland, OR or Berkeley, CA. While incidents of vandalism, threats and voter intimidation increase in towns like Post Falls & Coeur d’Alene, local publications, such as the increasingly liberal CDA Press, remain silent.

Democrats spray-painted a backwards swastika inside of the term “GOP” on E. Mullen Ave, Post Falls, Idaho.

An increasing number of conservative residents have filed police reports detailing vandalism & intimidating threats aimed at conservative candidates across the county.

Democrats spray-paint a swastika over a local conservative campaign sign.

Reports continue to come in over missing signs, damaged campaign materials and vandalized signs such as this one.

By night, Conservative political materials continue to be defaced by Democrats with spray-paint swastikas all across the county in an attempt to intimidate voters and dissuade turn out. By day, the self-proclaimed ‘non-partisan’ (liberal) organization known as ‘Citizens for Post Falls Schools’ takes to the streets in so-called “Knock the Vote” campaigns with familiar ‘communist style’ fist imagery on their campaign materials.

Coincidentally, just as police reports continue to flood our local departments over missing and vandalized conservative political material, mysterious hand-written notes taped to the CDA Press’ Sunday issue were left on voter’s doorsteps, insinuating they were not “fully informed” as to who they may be voting for.

We reached out to one voter who had received one of these notes, who did not want to be identified out of fear of retribution from those who placed it. “We live on [redacted] in Post Falls and woke up today to find a newspaper with a hand written note that we are not fully informed…” the voter explained, continuing on saying “We are informed and continue to be informed. Social Media is not a real place. Newspapers are biased politically.”

The voter continued, explaining that “‘neighbors’ that leave notes at your door and do not knock on your door and engage in open conversation do not have your best interests at heart.”

While the CDA Press continues their vocal support for what many claim to be the ‘liberal’ opposition, they repeatedly disregard reporting on these voter intimidation tactics aimed at the candidates whom they repeatedly smear on their front pages.

These disingenuous smear tactics may fuel these types of actions taken against conservative candidates.

With November 2nd less than two weeks away, these sort’s of democrat smear campaigns, coupled with vandalism and threats, continue to increase. All residents in Post Falls should be on alert and report anything they see to their local police departments. Be sure to contact your local conservative candidates with any information regarding these attacks and help bring the perpetrators to justice.

While North Idaho grows, the last thing we want to experience are these sorts of political intimidation tactics common to places like Portland OR or Berkeley CA — If resident’s vote accordingly, we may be able to preserve our little towns and protect them from these kinds of liberally progressive threats in the future.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


Democrats Endorse Kiki Miller as CDA Press Ignores Vandalism — Runs Cover for Candidates Seen Taking Signs