EXCLUSIVE: Majorjon Kaylor Arraigned For Father’s Day Massacre — Alleged Pervert Killed Along With Family & 16 Year Old Brother — Wife Speaks Out “My Husband Is A Good Person”
This Is A Tradgedy That Should NEVER Have Taken Place.
Original Image: @naniigrant - Reproduced under Fair Use for News Reporting
Update 6/21/23 @ 7:40 pm — We have finally received the affidavit for probable cause which is the official account of what transpired according to the police. It adds several details not present in our reports, but substantially corroborates our initial reporting. We are the only news outlet making the document available for everyone to read for themselves by clicking here.
(Wallace, Idaho) — A shooting on Father’s Day left 4 dead, including a 16 year old, in a small apartment complex in Kellogg, Idaho. The victims names were Kenna Guardipee, Kenneth Guardipee, Aiken Smith, and Devin Smith.
In Order: Kenneth Guardipee, Devin Smith, Kenna Guardipee, and Aiken Smith
Their accused killer, Majorjon Kaylor, was arrested on Sunday night and arraigned early Tuesday morning. He was charged with 4 counts of murder and 1 count of burglary. If convicted he will face life imprisonment or the death penalty.
According to the prosecution, Kaylor confessed to the murders on Sunday night.
What nobody is reporting on, however, is the motivation of the crime.
In an exclusive interview with the Idaho Tribune Kaylie Kaylor, the wife of the accused, confirmed statements that she had made days prior on social media that Devin Smith had been allegedly been caught watching the Kaylor’s children as they played in the back yard, while masturbating, in full view of the small girls.
During the emotional phone call Kaylie told the Tribune through her tears “I want people to know that my husband is a good person. Everyone that knows him [Majorjon] knows he's a good person. This is not what he wanted. This wasn't, you know… this is not what anyone wanted.”
She told us that that she had contacted the police to report the incident with Devin Smith, but that “the police, our landlord, the one who was doing it,[…] his family, all made us feel like we weren't safe and nothing was done about it. It just seemed like, our children were not going to be safe.”
According to Kaylie, Smith had told her that “he was not going to be getting in trouble, that the cops believed him, and were on his side.”
We asked her if she could recount what exactly happened on Father’s Day, and through her grief she said “I can’t right now” as she sobbed. “I don't know everything. I don't… what I do know is that my husband is a good man.”
According to several members of the community in the Silver Valley, the 18 year old Devin had a long history of inappropriate and allegedly perverted behavior, even in Kellogg Schools.
On the phone, Kaylie sobbed “why didn't the high school do anything about this kid? They made that big of a fuss about that kid not graduating…”
We asked she was talking about Kellogg High School, where a recent graduate named Travis Lohr was prevented from walking at the graduation ceremony because he said “Guys are guys and girls are girls. There is no in between.”
She said yes. “They wouldn't let him graduate, but they let this kid, when there's been nothing but problems. I've been told they just wanted to get him out of there. Someone like that should not be out into society. He should have gotten help. He should have been in an institution. He should have not ever been around our kids.”
Kaylie was grasping for answers.
“Why didn't Kellogg High School do something? Why didn't Kellogg police do something? Why weren't, why, why wasn't it concerning when I called - when all this other stuff had happened and other people had tried to get restraining orders and tried to get something done about him? I don't understand.”
Neither do we…
Over the past 5 years we have seen mass lawlessness, murder, rioting, and looting go un-punished in almost every single major American city.
We have seen sexual predators get let off the hook here in Idaho, with sex offenders getting put on probation instead of thrown in jail where they belong.
According to recently obtained documents, employees of the West Bonner School District appear to have delayed calling the authoritites after a 37 year old teacher named Sarai McCormick had sex with a 15 year old student at a Halloween party.
When she was finally charged, she was also let off with a slap on the wrist, being sentenced to only 45 days of jail for a crime that normally carries a punishment of 25 to life.
Our system is broken, yes. And systemic problems require systemic fixes, which means getting involved locally, electing good sheriffs and judges, prosecutors and representatives.
There is no excuse for taking the law into your own hands.
Based on our conversation with Kylie, it seems very possible that Majorjon’s emotions took control over him, and that he may have had a moment of temporary insanity, or an anger induced blackout when he felt that his children were in danger.
People get passionate when it comes to protecting their kids, but that passion can lead to excesses. This is why it is IMPERATIVE that we ensure a functional Justice system in Idaho, instead of a system that protects perverts, and indoctrinates students into perverse lifestyles.
By taking the law into his own hands, it seems he has devastated two families, instead of protecting his own. His 3 children may grow up with their father behind bars.
A 16 year old friend of Devin’s younger brother Aiken, told the Tribune:
“Devin was not a good kid but Aiken and his mom and grandpa were amazing people. To think I talked to him like a hour before he died is crazy… He was only 16. I feel like justice is needed especially for Aiken. He had plans in the military, he had his life planned and was a very good and genuine kid. It hurts to say but may he rest in peace.”
Majorjon’s next court appearance is scheduled for July 3rd, 2023.
As more information becomes available, we will bring it to you.