FRAUD: Was Susie Lucky’s Superintendent Certificate Application Forged? Records Request Reveals Racket At West Bonner Schools
The Jig Is Up.
(Priest River, Idaho) — The winds of change are blowing through West Bonner School District, and that wind has the embattled School District’s “deep state” scrambling to do anything they can to keep their hold on power.
Earlier this month, the West Bonner School Board Voted 3-2 to hire a parental rights crusader, Branden Durst as their next superintendent of schools.
This prompted a hoard of vicious, immature, crazed whackos to descend on the school board “like wolves” as one of them put it on Facebook.
Because Branden Durst is a Conservative, Idaho’s network of violent, Antifa-connected, Democrat-backed, Left-Wing activists were activated, bringing more division to an already deeply divided community, and whipping up attendees with misinformation designed to incite rage.
Jared DeLoof, the gay Executive Director of the Idaho Democrat Party who seems to have been groomed by a librarian when he was a child, said Durst would take food away from kids:
Tiffani Deems, a Reclaim Idaho activist and former employee of the Idaho Democrat Party posted a call to action shortly before a meeting last week urging activists to “hold them accountable.”
For those unaware, Deems was arrested at the March for Life in Boise earlier this year, after activists shouted at and intimidated pro-life rally goers.
Kootenai County’s own cabal of Antifa-connected crazies, who have specialized in turning North Idaho College Board Meetings into a circus, chimed in on Twitter as well:
So, why exactly did a tiny, out-of-the-way school district in the backwoods of North Idaho gain the attention of extremely well-connected radical leftists all over the state?
The answer is simple: there is a deep vein of corruption in West Bonner County Schools that feeds on taxpayer dollars, and it’s about to be exposed for the whole world to see. That’s the real reason why teachers, administrators and power-brokers in the county and around the state are doing everything in their power to shut Branden, and the conservative board down.
Is it possible that they would even go as far as forging an emergency application to get Susie Luckey certified as superintendent?
Susie Lucky’s Anomalous Superintendent Certificate
On June 14th, the morning of what would be one of the most contentious meetings at West Bonner School District, a crazed activist named Jennifer Rummerfield posted on the West Bonner Schools Group on Facebook, that Susie Luckey has a provisional certificate to be a Superintendent.
Here lies the rub; during the Idaho State Board of Education meeting, Susie Luckey’s name was not mentioned once. This means that Jennifer Rummerfield had foreknowledge that an application had been submitted to grant Luckey this certificate. How would she have known?
The Idaho Tribune has obtained a copy of Luckey’s Provisional Certificate, and there are some serious issues that the Main Stream Media have not taken an interest in, or reported on.
According to the paperwork we received from the State Department of Education, Luckey’s provisional certificate was submitted on April 24th, over a month after she was appointed by the board, following the departure of Superintendent Jackie Branum on March 16th.
In order for a provisional certificate to be issued, an emergency must be declared by the district.
But here’s the thing; these certificates are only given once a board has declared an emergency. In the case of West Bonner School District, no such emergency has been declared.
The paperwork, says that the District Declared an emergency on March 17th, however no such agenda item can be found in the meeting minutes, or any of the subsequent Board meetings, with an agenda item about declaring an emergency.
This fact has since been corroborated in a public post from West Bonner School Board Chairman Kieth Rutledge, who said that “an emergency had not been declared by (nor was ever intended to be declared by) the board of trustees before, during or after a March 17th, 2023, special meeting.”
Things get even more bizarre when you take the time to inspect the document itself. There appear to be certain anomalies on the pages that are not found in the original application packet provided by the State Department of Education.
Take for example the strange line breaks in the signature section on page two:
There is also a strange artifact found in Keith Rutledge’s signature:
This prompted us to inspect the document even more closely and, to our surprise, we found that there was heavy JPG artifacts found only on the sections of the application that contain signatures.
This anomaly on page 2, just so happens to line up exactly with the line breaks mentioned earlier.
This is anomalous, because if the page had just been printed, signed, and scanned, the compression that leads to these artifacts should be uniform over the whole page - not just certain parts of it.
The jury is still out on whether or not the document was forged, but according to several sources that have spoken with Tribune reporters, the form was fraudulent none-the-less.
Mirriam Webster defines fraud as the “a). intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right, b). an act of deceiving or misrepresenting.”
So, how can we say that this form was fraudulent? Because if Chairman Rutledge did in fact sign this document, seems as though it was because he was misled by the school’s business manager & board clerk, Steffie Pavey.
Steffie Pavey
According to two sources outside of the School District, Pavey was intent on ensuring that Luckey would be installed not only as interim superintendent, but that she also gets hired full-time. Why? Because Pavey would be out of a job if any competent superintendent were hired.
The Idaho Tribune has received information that just days before the departure Jackie Branum, the School District’s prior superintendent, Steffie Pavey and the district’s HR director, Cheyenne Coleman, had downloaded all of Superindendent Branum’s e-mails to the Board as part of a records request. They did this without consulting a lawyer which would have ensured that FERPA laws would not be broken.
Is it possible that the March 17th executive session which cited Idaho Code 74-206 1b, was actually about bringing disciplinary action against Steffie Pavey and Cheyenne Coleman?
It certainly could explain why Luckey, seemingly an ally of both Pavey and Coleman, would have been presented to the board as the only option, when in fact there were two qualified, credentialed employees already working in the district. And guess what? Susie Luckey isn’t either of those people.
Although Susie Luckey has a masters degree, many in the district do not believe that she is suited for the administrative position of superintendent. Whether she would be able to obtain a non-emergency certificate from the State Board remains to be seen.
Branden Durst has both a master’s degree, and has the training needed to lead West Bonner Schools.
This whole thing has nothing to do with “right wing extremists” or whatever the woke mob on Twitter is complaining about. It has to do with corruption. The issues afflicting the West Bonner County Schools aren’t a Left vs. Right thing. They are a Right vs. Wrong thing.
Opaque finances. Sexual abuse being covered up by administrators. Affairs amongst staff members… You can understand why the district doesn’t want an “outsider” stepping into the role of superintendent.
There is a meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 21st at 6:00 pm, and the agitation has already begun. Even the former board chair, Sandra Brower is getting in on the action.
This is the first in a series of articles from the Idaho Tribune that will focus on exposing the corruption that has rotted West Bonner Schools to its’ core. We’ve got the receipts. It’s bad.
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This article was updated 6/19/23 at 10:16 am to reflect that Susie Lucky has a masters degree.