Happy 4/20? Top 10 Reasons Why Marijuana Should *NOT* Be Legalized In Idaho
Liberalism: Not Even Once.
Idahoans are generally a very libertarian group of people. We all, generally speaking, want to be left alone, free to pursue the promise laid out in the Declaration of Independance, namely “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Live and let live, as they say.
This is all well and fine, but big corporations, marxists, and revolutionaries generally seek to exploit this libertarian sentiment, and use it to their own advantage.
We’ve seen the Democrats pull the libertarian card out of their pockets during the debates this past legislative session on topics like abortion, child genital mutilation, and giving children pornography. Their arguments go like:
"The government doesn’t have the right to tell me what I can do with my body! My body my choice!”
“The government doesn’t have the right to prevent my healthcare provider from cutting my son’s penis off and tell him he’s really a girl.”
“The government can’t tell me what books my 12 year old can read!”
The Libertarian card always gets pulled out when one side of the political spectrum starts legislating based on their beliefs. Once upon a time in Colorado, it was Conservatives that were saying “The government can’t tell me to bake the cake!”
“Live and let live.” If only it was that simple…
The truth is, that there is a battle between Christ and Anti-Christ that is raging in American society today. We will either get a government that is reflective of the Peoples’ Love of God, or we will get a government that will reflect the Marxist’s hatred of God.
“No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”
One of the tools in the devil’s box of tricks, to institutionalize the hatred of God in American government is the legalization of marijuana, and it’s not as straightforward as yesteryear’s moral panic of “Reefer Madness.” You’re not going to automatically start hating God by taking a toke of the Devil’s lettuce.
It’s about funneling millions of dollars out of the pockets of pot smokers, and putting it into the hands of State agencies who then funnel those tax dollars to subversive groups that seek to destroy the American way of life.
Lots of very nice people smoke pot. There are even a fair amount of conservatives that smoke pot too. We aren’t here to cast judgement on them and say that pot-smokers are going to hell (even if there are plenty of good, biblical arguments that very well may be the case).
We are merely trying to warn conservatives against the false promises of legalizing and taxing marijuana.
Proponents of legalization argue that Washington and Oregon are taking taxable dollars out of Idaho; dollars that could be used to lower property taxes, pay for schools, or whatever. But the truth is that the money doesn’t really go to any of those things. Just look at the states that have legalized weed like Washington, Oregon, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, and California. Taxes are through the roof.
So, whatever pipe dreams legislators in states that have legalized weed were promising to their constituents, were just that. Pipe dreams.
As you increase tax revenue, the state always finds a way to spend it. It’s never “enough.”
And that’s to say nothing about what the corporations that *own* these dispensaries actually do with their revenues. Take for example this article published last month by the Willamette Weekly, that shows that one of Oregons biggest pot shops not only hasn’t paid its taxes, but they also were big-time donors to the Democrat party.
Portland used to be a nice place where kids could walk to school, people could take their families into town, and nobody lived in fear of stepping in a pile of poop, or on a dirty used needle.
And, of course, we’ve all seen what it has become today…
Same can be said for San Fransicko.
Democrat policies have ruined these cities, and Democrat policies keep them ruined.
What do you think would happen if Democrats in Idaho start getting MILLIONS in funding from legal weed shops in Idaho?
And, we haven’t even mentioned how weed makes people lethargic, passive, and apathetic.
You can’t say that smoking weed makes people liberal, but you can say that liberals are 6 times more likely to smoke weed than conservatives.
And lets not forget that George Soros is a major funder of groups like the Drug Policy Alliance, a lobbying group which advocates for legal weed.
I wonder why George Soros would want Americans smoking weed?
If all of that wasn’t enough, here’s what ChatGPT, an Artificial Intelligence language program has to say about Marijuana use:
Health Risks: Smoking, whether it is tobacco or marijuana, is harmful to your health. Smoking can cause various health problems, including lung cancer, heart disease, respiratory problems, and more.
Addiction: Smoking marijuana can lead to addiction, and people may struggle to quit even when they experience negative consequences.
Mental Health Issues: Studies have shown that smoking marijuana can increase the risk of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and psychosis.
Impaired Driving: Driving while under the influence of marijuana can impair your judgment, reflexes, and ability to make quick decisions, leading to a higher risk of car accidents.
Increased Risk of Substance Abuse: Legalizing marijuana may lead to increased use and abuse of other drugs, including harder drugs like opioids.
Workplace Safety: Marijuana use can impair judgment, coordination, and reaction time, which can put people in hazardous jobs, such as heavy machinery operators and truck drivers, at risk.
Impaired Memory and Learning: Marijuana use can cause memory and learning problems, which can impact a person's academic or professional performance.
Second-Hand Smoke: Like tobacco smoke, marijuana smoke contains harmful chemicals, and exposure to second-hand smoke can lead to health problems, especially for children.
Negative Impact on Youth: Legalizing marijuana may lead to an increase in youth access and use, which can negatively impact their academic performance and mental health.
Social and Economic Costs: Smoking and legalizing marijuana can have social and economic costs, including increased healthcare costs, criminal justice costs, and decreased workplace productivity.