PERSECUTION: Conservative Folk Hero Ammon Bundy Offers Up His Belongings To St. Lukes After Liberal Mob Fueled By Idaho Media And “Anti-Hate” Groups Call For Him To Be Thrown In Jail
The Process Is The Punishment
American folk hero, and former gubernatorial candidate, Ammon Bundy, has spent the last year silently bearing the trials and tribulations that come when good people take a stand against the woke agenda, and refuse to bow to the liberal mob.
Today, Bundy released a new video (the first one in two months) and has yet again called for peace, and asked to be left alone.
In his emotional plea, Bundy cited the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 5:40, which says “And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also.”
The video was published on Wednesday morning, shortly after a warrant for Bundy’s arrest was issued by a Boise judge.
Bundy was sued for defamation by St. Lukes Hospital in a civil case, following efforts to reunite Baby Cyrus with his family, and has deliberately chosen not to participate in what he (and many across the state) believes is an un-just persecution. The Idaho Dispatch has a good recap of the events that led us to this moment.
When a defendant refuses to appear in court on a civil case, the judge usually issues an automatic ruling in favor of the plaintiff in what is called a default judgement.
According to Cornell Law School,
A default judgment (also known as judgment by default) is a ruling granted by a judge or court in favor of a plaintiff in the event that the defendant in a legal case fails to respond to a court summons or does not appear in court. The default decision may be vacated if the defendant can establish valid reasons for not appearing in court or ignoring a summons. Federal Rule 37(b)(2)(v) states a person who fails to appear as required in court can be found in default. Unless proof of damages is necessary, the default decision will take damages into account if they were included in the complaint.
However, Liberals in the state of Idaho, eager to lash out against any and all conservatives as retribution - for simply being conservative - have focused their rage on Bundy as their scapegoat.
THE ENTIRE MEDIA ESTABLISHMENT is ganging up on him, using thinly veiled threats, and agitating law enforcement to “take the lead” and settle the issue, outside of the confines of the law.
Liberals would love nothing more, than to see the police kill Ammon Bundy.
Extremist “expert” Devin Burghart, an executive director of the Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights (IREHR) who has called the Domestic Terrorist linked Southern Poverty Law Center “his friends”, invoked the memory of the Waco siege and the Oklahoma City Bombing to imply that Bundy would get violent.
Even Mark Pitcavage a so-called “expert” from the Anti-Defamation League (an organization with ties to the mafia) has weighed in, using his pulpit to urge law enforcement to continue the harassment of Bundy.
Pitcavage is from Ohio.
Mark Pitcavage - Donut Enjoyer & Extremist “Expert”
Notably absent from the chorus of media personalities and “extremism experts” is the Southern Poverty Law Center itself.
Although it was mostly ignored by the Main Stream Media in 2012, a crazed left-wing extremist, after being radicalized by SPLC propaganda, decided to take matters into his own hands by picking up a gun and attacking a conservative institution the SPLC falsely labelled as “extremist” - the Family Research Council.
They even got the suspect admitting this on tape.
When it came time to report on it, the media downplayed the seriousness of the incident suggesting that it is just a “possibility,” even though the gunman admitted it to investigators.
Why do we mention this? Because it’s part of their sick little game. The Media and these “anti-hate” NGO’s agitate, label-lynch, and defame in an effort to stoke violence and conflict.
When you see this kind of thing going on, when the all of the media is in lock-step, day after day calling someone violent, calling someone an “extremist,” urging police to “take the lead” on the situation etc., they’re really telling you about themselves.
They are the violent ones.
They are the extremists.
They are the ones you have to be on the lookout for.
Anyone who has taken a moment to listen to Ammon speak, or had the chance to meet him face to face, knows that he is a gentle, kind, reasonable man. He’s a loving father, a supportive husband, and a patriot.
Idaho Liberals, on the other hand, who want to murder unborn children in the womb, mutilate childrens genitals, and groom kids to be their sexual play-things, have the gall to call him an “extremist.”
Ok, groomers.
Please pray for Ammon Bundy and his family. Nobody deserves to be persecuted like this.