Persecuted: Kellogg Student Who Was Banned From Graduation After “Two Genders” Statement Says Boss Rescinded Firefighting Job Offer — Here’s What You Can Do To Help Travis Lohr

Everything Is “Woke” Now. Even The U.S. Forestry Service.

Update June 5, 9:00 am — An earlier version of this article incorrectly identified John Heyn’s employer. We have corrected the article to reflect that according to the Spokesman Review, Heyn works for the U.S. Forest Service’s Coeur d’Alene River Ranger District.

(Kellogg, Idaho) — After a student was banned from graduation in Kellogg Idaho for making some off-the-cuff remarks about how “Boys are boys. Girls are Girls. There is no in between,” the young student named Travis Lohr has now had his job offer rescinded.

According to the Blaze Media:

Lohr told Campos-Duffy he was slated to start work Sunday, but when he went in to complete the final paperwork, his boss informed him he was rescinding the offer. He described the job as "fighting wildland forest fires."

"That's part of life, as I am learning, and I am going to continue to grow from here. I'm not going to dwell on it."

"I don't believe I would have been punished at all, personally, if I had said 'black lives matter,'" Lohr told Campos-Duffy.

"For this to happen over what I said, it's just controversial ... If people speak up like I did ... it seems frowned upon. You can be punished for it, obviously, like I'm being punished," Lohr said.

"It's reassuring to know that I'm not alone and realize what I did wasn't wrong," Lohr said of the outpouring of support from his peers and people in the community.

The Idaho Tribune has confirmed that the man who rescinded his contract is named John Heyn, the head of the North Idaho Type III Incident Management Team with the U.S. Forest Service’s Coeur d’Alene River Ranger District.

John JUST SO HAPPENS to be married to a teacher at Kellogg High School named Natalie Heyn.

John and Natalie Heyn

I’m sure this is “just a coincidence.”

After over 100 students and parents protested Lohr’s suspension from the graduation ceremony, the School let out early and announced they were “postponing” the graduation ceremony due to unsubstantiated reports from Shoshone County Sheriff Holly Lindsey.

In spite of the “threats,” and after “cancelling” the graduation ceremony, the administration at Kellogg High School decided to go through with the graduation ceremony “secretly,” at the same time as the scheduled ceremony on Saturday morning.

Travis Lohr was not allowed to participate.

The Truth About Shoshone Counties First Female Sheriff

Sheriff Holly Lindsey was appointed by the Shoshone County Commissioners as the County’s first female Sheriff just 6 months ago, after a recommendation from the Shoshone County Democrats.

Lindsey is not only the first female Sheriff in the county, she is also the first the first lesbian, and is “married” to Kellogg High School Art Teacher Rachel Clark-Krusemark.

Clark-Krusemark (Left) Sheriff Lindsey (Right)

Clark-Krusemark is one of the teachers who, according to parents and students at the protest, took offense to Travis Lohr’s statements at the school assembly.

This has led to widespread speculation in the community that the “threats to the safety” at the graduation ceremony from an unnamed “violent group,” were fabricated.

The Idaho Tribune reached out to the Shoshone County Sheriff’s department, but we have not received a response. Records requests are currently pending.

In a recent interview with KHQ’s John Webb, the Sheriff admitted on camera:

“I’ve been in law enforcement for 19 years and I’ve struggled with depression. I’ve struggled with substance abuse here and there. It wasn’t until last year I started seeing a counselor myself…”

Many citizens in Shoshone County are now calling for Sheriff Lindsey’s resignation.

Bus Driver Fired For Standing Up For Student

The WOKE persecution in Kellogg was not limited to the students, but also against other employees who dared to speak out against the actions the District’s administration were taking to punish the 18 year old.

Dakota Mailloux, a beloved school bus driver for the district, was wrongfully terminated by the administration after he joined in with the students while he was off duty. He shared his story with Wayne Hoffman from the Idaho Freedom Foundation:

What You Can Do To Help:

Kootenai County Conservative Activist Brooke Larson Miller, the owner of Beau Monde vintage clothes stores and Lyfe Coffee in downtown Coeur d’Alene has set up a Give-Send-Go for Mailloux, and has already raised $3,035 dollars.

Meanwhile, the Idaho Freedom Foundation has set up a Give-Send-Go for Travis, raising $3,279 for the young boy.

Many legal experts, and prominent conservative journalists including Sean Davis, the founder of the Federalist Magazine have called for both Travis and Dakota to “Sue the school and every official involved personally. Sue them into oblivion.”

If these two are able to raise enough money… Maybe they’ll do it.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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