Personal Attacks Against Scott Herndon In Local Paper Say MORE About The Attacker — A Letter To The Editor From A Bonner County Reader

Editors Note: Conservatives in North Idaho need to know that the Bonner County Daily Bee is a biased left-wing operation, owned and published by the same people that publish the CDA Press, Sandpoint Reader, Bonners Ferry Daily Herald, Shoshone News-Press and a dozen other biased newspapers in the Pacific North West. The Hagadone Corporation’s near-monopoly on local is being used by activist Editors, and Executives to paint conservative Republicans as “extremists,” and is (unsurprisingly) unwilling to print a letter that refutes their negative characterizations.

(Sagle, Idaho) — Recently, the Bonner County Daily Bee published a letter headlined BCRCC should be censored, not Rep. Sauter written by Tony McDermott. As a member of the Bonner County Republican Central Committee, I was moved to respond.  The Bee did not respond to me.  

Mr. McDermott’s letter is filled with loaded language (“dirty tricks,” “sick, “ “corrupt,” , “cesspool,” “toxic leadership,” “closet full of skeletons.”) In my experience, when writers puff themselves up, attack and appeal to readers’ emotions, it is because they cannot make their case with reason and rational argument. I think his emotional screed is personal, not political.  I’m writing to set the record straight. 

Thomas Jefferson wrote, “in matters of principle stand like a rock” I believe Senator Herndon is steadfast in service and leadership.

There were no dirty tricks. He was not responsible for the unanimous decision of the committee, after discussion, that Mark Sauter (like Jim Woodward) sadly was not true to the principles defined in the Republican party platform. He votes more in alignment with the Democrats on issues that threaten our community. We provided this voting record in our press release. It is why we voted ‘no confidence.’  

The BCRCC is aligned around the Constitution, core principles and the party platform. Our meetings are open to the public, and we seek transparency and to set a good example to our community. 

The BCRCC is composed of decent hard-working tax paying Idahoans who seek no prestige or thanks for paying attention to the political system and trying to do what’s right for our citizens.  We seek to maintain the Constitutional guardrails of our Republic here in our county and state. We seek opportunity and decency in our society.  We look with dismay at neighboring states run by Democrats and ‘Republican’ enablers: Porn introduced to children in public libraries, sexualization and grooming of kids in classrooms, growing lawlessness, poverty, drug abuse, racism and hate used to divide communities, and yes, abortion as birth control as if innocent human life is meaningless. Their problems multiply with each blow they strike against the US Constitution, against families and people of faith. We feel a moral obligation to push back rather than let the same forces that have ruined their cities and states sink deeper roots into our county and state. Readers are invited to join with us in our work to leave something good, healthy, and prosperous to future generations

The BCRCC is proud of Scott Herndon and the excellent work that he’s done in our legislature and in talking with his constituents.  Such a personal attack speaks more to the character of the attacker than it does to the character of Mr. Herndon.

Dr. Rick Kirschner

Bestselling author, filmmaker, speaker, educator, vitalist Naturopathic Doctor and past President of the Naturopathic Medicine Institute.

Op-ED: Guys Are Guys And Girls Are Girls — There Is No In Between.


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