Idaho Democrats Pretending to be Homeless Declared “Public Safety Hazard” — Now Protesting Abortion and ‘Trans Rights’ at Boise Capitol

Idaho’s Democrats are out of control

Idaho’s youthful Democrats have been camping outside of the capitol in Boise, pretending to be homeless. They have been declared a “public safety hazard” and subsequently removed, only to return the following day to protest in favor of injecting children with sterilizing hormones and murdering children in the womb.

Democrats descended upon Idaho’s capital to protest a bill that would effectively outlaw murdering children in the womb. The bill, if signed by the current governor, would make Idaho one of the stricter states in the country regarding abortion law.

This comes only days after public health officials declared Democrats a “public safety hazard” before removing them from the capitol. Democrats had staged a protest there wherein they would pretend to be homeless and sleep in tents outside of the capitol.

Idaho’s Antifa took to the internet to post photos of Idaho’s Democrat “youth” who also staged a protest at the capitol. These protestors were protesting for more children to be able to inject synthetic hormones into their bodies, chemically castrating them in an attempt to appear like the opposite sex.

Idaho’s Democrats are out of control, and Republicans need to take notice, or the situation in the state could take a turn for the worst, as these loony liberals push along their apoplectic agenda.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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