Idaho GOP Unanimously Calls For “America-First Foreign Policy” Urging Senators Risch And Crapo To Withdraw Troops From Syria And Yemen
The Age Of Neo-Conservative Foreign Policy Is Over.
(Challis, Idaho) — In an absolutely stunning move at the Idaho Republican Party’s Summer Convention last weekend, all 216 members of the State Central Committee unanimously passed two resolutions condemning U.S. Involvement in both Syria and Yemen, calling for all U.S. troops to come back home, where they belong.
Resolution 2023-48 titled US Military Presence in Syria, was first introduced at last weekend’s Summer Meeting, and had already passed in several county level central committees around the state including Benewah County, Bonneville County, Shoshone County, Ada County and Canyon County with overwhelming support.
The resolution was written by Sgt. Dan McKnight, an Ada County Precinct Committeeman who founded a national, non-partisan, anti-war, veterans organization called Bring Our Troops Home.
McKnight, who is a thirteen-year veteran of the U.S. military, founded Bring Our Troops Home to advocate for the return of congressional war powers and an immediate end of the United States' unconstitutional wars in the Middle East and Africa.
Sponsors of the resolution include a litany of Party leaders.
The resolution specifically calls on Senator Jim Risch to: “use his influence as the Ranking Member of the powerful Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, to advocate and an America-First foreign policy that keeps the American military out of undeclared wars of choice waged by the Executive Branch.”
The resolution states that “in spite of the clear language of the United States Constitution, vesting the power over war exclusively in the United States Congress, the United States Executive Branch has unconstitutionally assumed the power while the United States Congress has abdicated its constitutional duty.”
American troops have been on the ground in Syria since at least 2015, engaging in both combat and training, to aid and support so-called “moderate rebels” in the country. Contrary to their characterization as “moderate,” the Syrian rebels that U.S. Troops are aiding, are actually aligned with terrorist groups like ISIS, Al-Quaeda, and Antifa.
Antifa Terrorists Fighting Alongside “Moderate” Rebels In Syria - 2017
This is clearly an attempt to destabilize yet another Middle-Eastern Country.
The United States does not have permission of the Syrian government to conduct operations in the region.
Syria’s leader, Bashar Al-Assad, was most recently re-elected as Prime Minister in 2021, after winning 95% of the vote with 78% of the country turning out to participate in the election, making him one of the most popular leaders, amongst his own people, in the world.
He is one of the few Muslim leaders in the Middle-East that supports and defends Christians, instead of slaughtering them.
Haaretz Magazine, an Israeli news outlet, published an article in 2017 titled Anti-Assad? You Are Supporting the Murder of Christians. The article went on to say “Whoever fights Assad wants to remove Christianity from the Middle East, and the hands of those who support Saudi Arabia or Qatar are covered with the blood of Coptic worshippers.”
In a statement provided exclusively to the Idaho Tribune, the resolutions’ author, Dan McKnight said:
“As a veteran and a constitutionalist, I believe patriotism must be given precedence over profits, the lives of American soldiers valued more than Pentagon weapons contracts. The DC Empire must be told that the American people will not co-sign their criminal wars of aggression in Syria, Yemen, and elsewhere.
“A century ago, a native son of Idaho and America First’s greatest advocate William Borah instructed us to, ‘Run up the American flag and let the traitors pull it down if they dare.’ That’s the challenge these resolutions have laid at the feet of the War Party. Stand with our soldiers, our Constitution, and our nation, or stand with the scourge of Forever War, the Deep State, and the military-industrial complex. The choice has never been clearer.”
McKnight also called on Jim Risch to honor the pledge that he signed with Bring Our Troops Home, saying:
“As the Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Jim Risch must use his influence to help bring our troops home from any war not declared by Congress. He’s pledged to do so in the past, and it’s time the people of Idaho hold him and all politicians accountable to their oath of office.”
During this past weekend’s GOP meeting, an Executive Board member of the Idaho Republican Central Committee argued that:
“The Syrian Government which is controlled by an Alawite minority but supported by the many Armenian, Assyrian, and Syriac Christians who live there, has never attacked or even threatened America. I can’t say the same for the Sunni extremist rebels whom our Neo-Conservative politicians cheer on.
“The foreign policy of the United States, still directed by the John McCain and Dick Chaney wing of the GOP, considers supporting the Al-Qaeda backed rebels to be a worthwhile use of American lives and tax dollars.
“In fact, the magazine Foreign Affairs, the flagship journal on the Council of Foreign Relations, ran numerous articles supporting the policy of backing the jihadists article titles included “The Moderate Face of Al-Qaeda”, and “The Good and Bad of Ahrar Al-sham: an Al Qaeda-linked Group Worth Befriending”. One article was just blatantly titled “Accepting Al-Qaeda”.
The GOP Executive Committeeman concluded by saying:
“We have got to stand up and say ENOUGH. Our political elites, more loyal to a Globalist Civilization that they imagine is emerging out of the ashes of the America they themselves destroyed, need to be told ENOUGH.”
The Idaho GOP which is now firmly in the hands of True Conservatives under the leadership of Dorothy Moon, has been reborn. Idaho’s Republican Party has rejected the Neo-Conservatism of Dick Cheney and the Military Industrial Complex, and now seems determined to putting America, and Idaho, First.