Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) Calls for “Removal of U.S. Forces” from Unconstitutional Foreign War in Yemen

The Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) passed a resolution, HJR 87, with overwhelming support, condemning the U.S. foreign entanglement in the Republic of Yemen.

Bjorn Handeen of the KCRCC, who unsuccessfully pushed of the resolution over 5 years ago, took to social media to declare “what a difference 5 years makes!”

Handeen, while speaking over 5 years ago to reporters with the Inlander, called the U.S. war in Yemen "a really spectacular humanitarian disaster," with well over 10,000 deaths, including innocent women and children.

The resolution, which failed to pass 5 years ago, is an indication of an evolving Republican Party, which is now seen as the ‘anti-war party’ in a time when Democrats in Washington continue to arm the Ukrainian neo-nazi military war effort in Eastern Europe.

Similarly, Idaho senator Jim Risch continues to speardhead U.S. involvement in foreign conflict, both throughout Eastern Europe, as well as in Africa, with the support of the extremist breakaway region of ‘Somiland’ in the economically strategic Horn of Africa.

Senator Jim Risch has yet to comment on the resolution, which is poised to cause conflict among Republican voters who would like to see lower prices at the gas pump, and entrenched politicians with an itch for war.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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