Kyle Rittenhouse And James Lindsay Set To Take Stage At Bonneville County Lincoln Day Next Saturday — Find Out How You Can Still Get Tickets To See This Living Legend

Living legend Kyle Rittenhouse and anti-Marxist crusader James Lindsay are set to speak at the Bonneville County Republican Central Committee’s Lincoln Day Dinner next weekend, April 15th 2023, and tickets are still available for purchase!

Following the overdose death of George Floyd in Minneapolis Minnesota, riots and looting broke out nationwide as hoards of Black Lives Matter and Antifa activists stormed one city after another, causing over $2 Billion worth of damage nationwide. Police knelt before the protestors, and apologized for their alleged “systemic racism,” taking no action whatsoever to stop the riots and defend the people & their property.

That all changed on June 2nd, 2020, when the people of Coeur d’Alene showed the entire nation how to stop these riots before they even begin, by grabbing their AR-15’s and lining the streets in the wake of threats that violent activists from Spokane, Seattle and Portland were coming to town.

Luckily, the show of force quelled any would-be rioters, knowing that people in North Idaho don’t mess around when it comes to exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. There was absolutely no damage, and nobody was hurt.

Following Coeur d’Alene’s lead, Rittenhouse and a group of conservative patriots were bravely defending local businesses in Kenosha, Wisconsin on August 25th, when violent Antifa activists attacked Rittenhouse, threatening his life. Kyle didn’t waste a second, defending himself against 3 violent activists with laser like speed and precision. 2 Antifa activists were taken off the streets permanently that night, while a third had his bicep vaporized.

Rittenhouse was acquitted of any wrongdoing.

Prominent Republicans in Idaho have been courting Rittenhouse for years now, trying to get him to come visit the most conservative state in the nation, and Nicholas Cantos, the leader of the Bonneville County Republican party finally succeeded in bringing this living legend to Idaho.

Speaking about the upcoming Lincoln Day event Rittenhouse said:

“I’m excited to spread the truth, and tell the story of what really happened to me when I was forced to defend my life from attackers. Thank you, Bonneville County GOP, for allowing me to do so, and I look forward to meeting all of you on April 15th.”

The Bonneville County Republican Party’s gala on April 15th will feature a variety of activities, auctions, raffles, and speakers including James Lindsay, the staunch anti-Communist, anti-CRT, anti-Groomer founder of New Discourses, as well as local radio personalities Neal Larson and Julie Mason of Newstalk 107.9. Dozens of local businesses, families, and individuals have sponsored the event, donating both service hours and items for the auction.

A Spokesperson from the Bonneville Republican Party said that they “are very grateful and humbled by the community’s support of the Republican Party and the principles laid out in our party platform.”

The gala promises to be an exciting and engaging event, providing an opportunity for attendees to come together and celebrate shared values. While the event is geared towards Republicans, all are welcome to attend and participate in the festivities. It is a chance to engage in meaningful conversations and discussions, learn from keynote speakers, and support the Republican Party's principles.

The Bonneville Republicans say there are still are few sponsorship opportunities remaining for this event. There are also still a few remaining seats for general admission. Those interested in becoming event sponsors should contact the Bonneville County Republican Party by email at or by phone at 208-497-1211.

Get your tickets while you still can!

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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