New Legislation Would Ban mRNA Vaccines In The State Of Idaho Following Outcry From Doctors And Patients Who Have Suffered Negative Side Effects Or “Died Suddenly”

Idaho Declares War On Big Pharma

Idaho Senator Tammy Nichols has introduced a bill (HB 154) that would make the administration of mRNA “Vaccines” a misdemeanor under Idaho Law.

According to the CDC, traditional vaccines “put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies,” but “Not mRNA vaccines. Instead, mRNA vaccines use mRNA created in a laboratory to teach our cells how to make a protein […] that triggers an immune response inside our bodies.”

Companies like Pfizer have yet to fully disclose exactly what is in their Covid-19 “vaccine.”

Pfizer officials were also recently caught on camera by Project Veritas admitting that the company had engaged in “directed evolution” or mutating the Covid-19 virus, which is (obviously) extremely dangerous.

Idaho Tribune asked an Idaho pharmacist about the legislation. Speaking under strict anonymity, the pharmacist said, “from what I understand the bill that they are proposing isn’t just about the Covid shot, it’s about mRNA as a whole. mRNA technology is very new and there are all kinds of side effects that we are seeing. Blood clots, myocarditis, problems with birth…”

The new legislation proposed by Senator Nichols and Representative Judy Boyle would make anyone that administers an mRNA vaccine to any mammal within the state guilty of a misdemeanor, which could carry a fine and/or a jail sentence.

Tribune reporters asked the pharmacist if anyone was concerned that they would be fined for administering the shot, and they said “No. I think they’re doing the right thing.”

“We have been in handcuffs ever since this whole Covid thing began. So many companies, Pfizer, Moderna… They’re just out to enrich themselves. It’s all bullshit. You’ve got to follow the money.”

A documentary released several months ago called Died Suddenly documents the blood clots, fertility issues, and death caused by the experimental mRNA technology.

Watch the documentary below, and see for yourself:

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15 seconds

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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