Press Slams Idaho Sheriff for Attending Bryson Gray Rap Concert — Falsely Claims ‘White Nationalists’ Attended MAGA Event with Black Rapper

“Racists Apparently LOVE Black Rappers!”

Idaho press have released a slew of articles slamming Kootenai County Sheriff Norris for attending a MAGA rap concert with the popularly known conservative rapper, Bryson Gray, at Cruisers Bar & Grill.

In the article, it is claimed ‘White Nationalists’ were also in attendance, when this was in fact not the case.

Sheriff Bob Norris, however, did make an appearance and briefly spoke to the large crowd and received a massive round of applause for defending the Second Amendment against looming regulation.

Norris, in response to claims of racism at the event, said it was “interesting” a bunch of “racists” would pay money to go to a rap concert performed by a black man. It is almost as if these people are not racists at all, and it is a giant media hoax.

Bryson Gray, the rap artist who performed at the concert, also did not experience any racism at the event, nor did anyone else who attended the event claim to have experienced any racism of any kind, as reported in local media.

The flyer for the event, which hosted numerous local politicians and candidates running for office, had the words “No Democrats” on it, and was shared around Kootenai County during the weeks leading up to the event.

Contrarily, the local Neo-Pagan group known as “White Lives Matter” were not in attendance of the event, because they are actually racist. Though, you will not see the local media reporting on them.

The local group known as “White Lives Matter” allegedly helped bring Patriot Front to Coeur d’Alene before the nationally reported arrest of the 31 individuals at the local ‘Pride in the Park’ event.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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