Reclaim Idaho Ballot Initiative to “Reverse Tax Cuts” Amid Economic Struggles — Idahoans to Pay “$570 million for education” if Passed

What About Groceries & Gasoline?

While the U.S. economy continues its downturn, hitting Idaho consumers at the grocery store and at the gas pump, a left-leaning group calling themselves ‘Reclaim Idaho’ wants Idaho tax-payers to boost education funding to the tune of up to $570 Million dollars.

Speaking with Boise State Public Radio, Deputy Secretary of State, Chad Houck said the changes ‘would be implemented in full’ — meaning a tax increase for most Idahoans, raising close to $570 million for education.

Reclaim Idaho gathered thousands of signatures from Idahoans, granting their ‘Quality Education Act’ tax increase a spot on the November ballot.

While Democrats and progressive groups like Reclaim Idaho want to raise your taxes, normal every-day Americans can barely afford to put food on their tables or gas in the vehicles.

Times are tough for all Americans right now, not just for teachers. Yet, Democrats and the political groups they donate to, such as Reclaim Idaho, are on a mission, and every-day Idahoans aren’t their concern.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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